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Shiny objects, reflecting lights on the mirrors.
It's been lonely since everyone disappeared.
I'm confused as though if they did really disappeared?
Or is it me who is simply forgetting and can't remember?

For he said I have episodes of forgetting things,
Important dates and anniversaries,
I don't want to become somebody,
Who remembers no past, who remembers no history.

I trust his words usually all the time.
He seems kind to me, he makes me fine.
But now that I see the glitter on the floor,
I can't deny the heavy smell of the blood beside.

I don't think I made a mistake, the party was done.
People wished me goodluck they seemed to have fun.
The only one who didn't have any fun was me,
So I don't regret this, he made me do it.

He laughed behind me, I know.
He wrote letters to someone else with my favorite pen.
He did this purposely, I never forget things.
It was fun, it was fun, he made me do this.

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