Lamps flickered

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Yelled out, silence broke in the room,
That dimlit room I still remember.
You didn't have any questions for me,
Rather assumptions and opinions.

I couldn't trace where it went wrong,
I couldn't understand a word that time.
I thought taping would make things right,
But scars can be covered but won't feel fine.

It became a shattered peice of glass,
There would be no reason to glue it,
Lines on that show peice will forever,
Remind of the lies you painted for me.

More than anything I needed a little,
Only just a little bit of reason from you,
It's true it would never get the trust back,
But atleast we could send of the memories, our truth.

The violet coloured hate you had for me,
Guess it was growing for a long time,
But I was stupid to not notice it.
I wished things would turn around for better.

Know very well it won't go back,
But hopes sound sweet to a dying flame.
The lamps flickered that night in our room,
I should've know the trust had broken long ago.

Our Violet WallsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang