Tables broken

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Every night between these walls,
Under the golden light of the lamp,
I sit down in front of my plate,
Barely having anything to enjoy.
Though the meat would look tasty,
To the hungry eyes of an onlooker,
My appetite has been stolen,
A long time ago desperately from me.
The violet shades in the room,
Remind me of that dark rainy day,
You slammed the door shut behind you,
And walked away to come back with decisions.
I hated every moment of the war,
We turned from lovers to sour,
And I questioned every reason why,
Things had to go about like that.
The dinner table we enjoyed ourselves by,
Became the place for my bills and divorce notices,
The cheques you send me to get rid,
Of every memory that we might have.
It went down on the wrong lane,
No courtesy, no shame.
All there was, was a big ego,
And everything else was just a facade.
But now all our favorite showcases are empty,
Our trophies packed away to leave,
Our photo frames packed in diffrent luggages,
All our favorite tables are broken.

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