In your heart

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For the longest time,
I kept on just wondering,
On every street I saw your shadow,
Was it just he looking for you desperately?
Or were you actually there,
In that bus stop line over there,
And behind the shelves in the library,
Or am I just playing tricks on myself.

For the longest time now,
I kept wondering again and again,
What would you feel like,
If I told you I like it?
The way you smile so freely,
While you look out for your friends.
And the dimple on your face,
Your little fang teeth you love.

For the longest time since then,
That October when I noticed you on Iland,
I kept thinking constantly,
Would it matter one day?
If I told you I planed all this,
I wrote about you like this,
In all the pages I blessed with,
In all the corners I had space in.

For the longest time here,
I have been finding a reason,
To get to know your heart,
To see if I think same like you.
But I guess it's a wild imagination,
Though I love it on my own risk.
I wonder what is in your heart?

Our Violet WallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora