For everything we promised

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Would you choose me again?
Again will you fall in love?
The grey sky will soon turn blue,
I believe in it just like I believe in you.
But maybe you don't believe me enough,
Your eyes tell me a tale,
Of that of scars and hurt,
You hide behind your clever sneer.
I must not be saying this,
But I guess you weren't loved,
Would you give me one more chance,
This time I'll love like lovers.
No, I won't expect anything in return,
Just your smile should be enough,
Would you hold my hand this once,
So I can show you thr dazzling world.
We can see the mountains bathed in sunlight,
We can appreciate the houses there,
Those little huts on the horizon,
I know they will still be there.
Even though we have traveled a lot,
For our promises to fade away,
Just this once trust me with your hurt,
For everything we promised, let me do this first.

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