Near the sea and mountain

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The old man says,"Don't go near the sea,
Don't go near the mountain during,
This festival my girl beware,
You don't want to get caught between the spirits.

The paper lantern lit with candles,
Hanging on the roof with charms,
Some leave the lanterns in the sea,
To guide spirits back to their homes.

So don't ever let your trail turn,
Towards the mountain and the sea,
He will get angry and then curse you,
For the entire eternity.

The leaves and the trees and the sky,
Will shine up blissfully during that night,
And the light will shine on all the things,
The ancestors left for us during their lives.

Pray for them to find peace,
Lead them to their destiny,
Make way for their spirits,
To go their resting place.

So don't go near the sea or the mountains,
Don't dare you disturb their travel,
Stay still and pray for them to,
Get their peaceful life as spirits.

Light the lantern and guide,
Your goodwill for their life,
They will lead their afterlives,
As they bless us with calm life.

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