Let your memories stay

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They hurt when they promise to heal,
They smirk wide in your misery,
Push you to memorize every wrong thing you ever did,
But let your memories stay within.
There maybe some thoughts today,
Some ways you want to abandon them,
I think you should hold the urge to erase,
And let your memories stay.
They are not the cutest things,
They are not the funniest things,
But they make the actual ones stand out more,
This time let your memories on the shore.
The ocean felt like a myriad,
Opportunities were lined up there,
But your memories need to be with you,
The horizon today can't make them stay.
So I know you know it's tough,
And I know this is not the worst.
Anyways you'll have to keep on walking,
So why not let your memories stay within.

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