Candles died

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The darkness was terrible tonight,
It was haunting the secrets I had,
Made me make a decision tonight,
So I thought I should get it by design.
And let out the secrets I keep,
Maybe it would allow me to leave,
And not imprison me for past deeds,
And ask me questions about my sins.
I waited for the candles I lit,
To run out of the way to stay lit,
And them turn around and whisper,
To everyone about who is a sinner.
It would have been fun all along,
It would have been great all along,
But you decided to back of off,
And now I am left alone on the scene.
This crime scene will he engraved,
The candles died a long time ago,
And I have been waiting for them so,
They would run out of the will to live.


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