Say it all

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Like you mean it,
Like you've been meaning to say it,
Say it all.

I know you don't like it,
I know you don't like me,
Say it all.

The night is a curse to you,
You have a face to keep,
So deny my advances and say it out loud.

I know you have her in your heart,
Your pictures aren't ours,
In all these years we have been together,
We didn't love at all, it says it all.

Say it out loud that you hate me,
You hate me smile and live,
You would happily stab a dagger,
If it means I will be gone from the scene.

I know you've been planning to leave,
You got tired of my jealousy,
You need your kingdom's crown back,
So that you can make her your queen,
Say it out loud.

The court is eagerly waiting,
Say it out loud and make it known,
Announce your hatred for me,
And free yourself from my claws.
The war came to end long back,
When I fell down and in love,
I fell in love with you in the beginning,
I just released my feelings with my sword.
I won't fight back anymore,
The snow flower has brought peace,
It finally brought the calmness in your kingdom,
Now you can say it out loud and destroy me.

Our Violet WallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora