On the roadside wall

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It was a winter weekend,
Long time ago now we pretend,
As if it never ever happened,
We would pass by each other and say nothing.
Our friends became yours and mine,
Relationships divided and we should've cried,
And struggled to have kept it for some more time,
Rather than letting it go away and smile.
Smile as if nothing ever happened,
Cured from the scars we gave each other,
The wall be painted on that roadside,
I confess it was the best memory of my life.
I was in ninth grade and so were you,
We celebrated our art like we were new,
To those streets we had walked thousand times,
We celebrated together and felt it first time.
I often think, should I have stayed?
Hoping someday you would came back that way,
And nothing would have mattered as they say,
We could have worn the Tiara of the longest friendship.
But maybe it wasn't needed to stay,
How quickly the bonds broke in that summer break,
No reasons only questions left to be answered,
Our dreams, our projects left to wither.
Do you remember us?

Our Violet WallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora