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Felt like a long time,
I'm confused, what should I decide?
Should I be the child and choose happiness,
Or become someone who is uninterested.

Indifferent to everything going on,
Indifferent to the beauty around,
As if I am all experienced,
I wish I could know the answer sooner.

For the seconds are not passing now,
They seem like years with these doubt.
I can't exactly decided for myself,
Do I want to be me or someone else.

The beat or the rhythm the call,
Of every passing second of the clock,
Reminds me of the lost opportunities,
Just because I wasn't trying to be me.

I am looking at myself through this window,
A wonderful reflection I see of myself.
But the pendulum and the ticking sound,
Makes me think of the time I am killing.

I want to appreciate this time,
I don't want to wander in this maze.
Want to figure out my stance,
Before my reflection fades away.

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