In these last moment

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There is so much more to cuddle yet,
So many more smiles to share,
So many tears to find peace,
And so many to find the answers.
It all seems just too abrupt now,
This all feels like a half way end,
More than anything it is unfair,
I don't get to stay for a few more moments,
So many words stuck at the tip of my tongue,
Emotions they can't seem to decode now,
For all I can see in their eyes now,
Is sadness covered curtains of tears.
They don't focus on the heart now,
Mind has taken the control long ago,
Knowing all to well my roads end here,
They try to shield themselves behind the tears.
Nothing wrong with the rainy sky,
Just wishing that this was not a goodbye,
I will probably envy a lot of these people,
Standing in black clothes with lives to suffer.
In these last moments I think of a lot of things,
I think of the delicate things I missed,
Like the little celebrations back at home,
In these last moments I wished I could've been happier.

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