Curtains are closed

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The seats are empty now,
The confetti on the stage and floor,
Everyone has just left now,
So nothing I sing will matter anymore.
I won't be making excuses,
My time to entertain is over,
The world will now move on from me,
The curtains will soon need to get pulled over.
The staged will be cleaned and,
So will everything be packed,
For one last time I will love,
The thing I always desired.
The mask will come off,
The gloves removed and folded,
The songs would stay I my mind,
But I won't have any guts to sing it.
Like I won't ever remember this,
I will never stab myself purposely,
With all these memories,
The curtains will close someday.
I am unprepared, I am prepared.
I want to leave, I want to stay.
I want to love everything
But letting it go would be the only way.

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