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The night is growing dark,
My heart is hurting a lot,
Is it the guilt to never start?
Or am I just blaming it all on the heart?
For I can feel myself running,
Away from all these mountains,
I am not worthy of any story,
That might get written about the heros.
I tend to hide in the dark,
Scared of the ghosts I make,
And imagine about them silently,
As my companions in this dark alley.
My picture was not that clear of a view,
It was rather a hazy attempt to lose,
Just something to cling onto,
Until I find enough strength to give up.
Maybe the burning soul they talk about,
Is nothing but a misunderstanding,
I try to fit I but I am just a sorry
Excuse of an extingused desires.
I did build an extravagant mansion,
Of all these false memories in me,
That I go back to seek again,
Hide inside when its the war's beginning.
Am I weak? I guess I am.
Am I hurt?  I guess I am.
Am I finding reason? I guess I do.
Anything just to save myself from you.

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