What's the punishment

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Look above, the sky is a joke,
That you make to fill up,
All those dry empty holes.
Your heart can't take it,
And same goes for me,
So I decide to weave poetry.
Smile on all those saddening days,
And dance like nothing happened,
Thinking maybe it will change.
But I know it won't.
I made a mistake and had hopes.
Those punished look at me,
Welcome me with their grins.
I fell first and I fell hard,
Made everything about those stars,
Blamed them for everything.
Like my destiny was made for me.
I should've known what I did,
Committed crimes, committed sins.
Nothing adorable just annoying me,
Tell me what punishment is waiting for me.
I won't bite my tongue and turn back,
I will take all of that,
Don't think I will make excuses,
Just announce the punishment you'll give me.

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