The star that faded away

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The sky seemed so beautiful,
When that star was twinkling,
All my dreams seemed so near,
All the hopes getting fulfilled.

The sky seemed so wonderful,
When all of the stars aligned,
All my nightmares driven away,
My love was with me that night.

The stars made it all so pretty,
My hopeless dreams so meaningful,
My smile was appreciated,
My poetry made you love, life.

But then that star lost itself,
Never found a reason to smile again,
My smile faded too as I,
Desperately looked for it everywhere.

No it was never supposed to be,
The way it actually turned out to be,
Our paths separated that day,
When love lost it's meaning.

And all while I struggled to keep,
The star dust and sand from escaping,
Crying out, my tears cursing me,
My heart was aching and aching.

For that star was destined to fade,
I was just looking for mere reasons,
To keep it from turning away,
I lost track of time and myself.

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