Expression of defeat

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All while it was still new,
Happiness was like a cloud over us,
I couldn't express myself and my happiness,
It became a thought of just miracle.

Defeat wasn't even on the horizon,
I became too relaxed and laid back.
Should've kept my smiles under wraps,
Because now it's broken and scattered.

Nice things tend to get shattered,
Beautiful scenes destroyed in moments.
Happiness wasn't meant to last long,
Violet haze now wraps my nightmares.

It's scaring me, it's scaring me,
Pleading and then then ordering me,
To accept my defeat in this,
Defeat that my life gave me.

Whom to blame, whom should I blame,
I scar the good intentions I get,
I am not myself anymore,
Smiles now converted to haunted dreams.

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