Dream within a dream.

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Hoped that I could create,
The happiness I seek.
Make and craft promises,
Like a fictional story.
But I turned out to be raged,
Attempts failed me,
My imagination scarred,
I am unable to dream.
Maybe I should take this chance,
Think of it as a dance,
And the sky and the stars,
Will become the floor to dance.
The rain will crash to the ground,
I will seek the sound,
Try to calm the deamons,
And try to shut my mouth.
Run and run across the streets,
Will not blame the destiny,
Hopefully would become a mess,
Of my consciousness as I,
Dream of a dream, within a dream.
I seek chances and challenge my sanity,
High hope, high skies and high people,
Everything seems so familiar when,
I decided to live this life like a dream,
Like a crafted dream within a dream.

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