Those reflections

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They were delicate,
Those reflections.
In your decorated mirrors,
Across from the sheet to other world.
Although I never smiled,
When I stared deep in my own eyes,
In the reflections front of me,
I found peace with my thoughts.
Only did I later realise,
That were nothing but a curse,
I fell in love with fiction,
Fell in love with the nonexistent
What kind of joke did I make out of myself?
Tried to fit in words when I wasn't speaking,
Decorated the irony in my jewelry,
And wore it around without knowing anything.
Now, in this room full of people,
I walk with a hesitation,
I realised my mistakes,
Long after I made them.
Like their stares demanded answers,
I couldn't cover up with my smile,
They were ready to haunt me,
For the rest of my life.
But they were delicate,
Those reflections,
I envied the ones above,
Only to find I dragged myself to this level.

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