Violet painting

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On the crowded street,
The evening we never thought we would remember,
Taking stroll down the lane in the market,
I decided to buy for you that picture.
It didn't have much meaning,
Nor was it your favorite colour,
But it was mine, my favorite colour,
It was like a peice of mine that you'd adore.
We went back home, we cooked dinner,
The warmth that your house gave me,
I had a desire to make it mine,
To make that warmth and love mine forever.
I was truly trying to be selfish,
I was really promising myself something that could never be mine,
But when I could have taken a step back,
You hung that picture in a frame on the wall.
It was like a sign I wanted to cling to,
The urge to hold you as you recognized me,
As you recognized my gift and appreciated me,
I want the taste to stay for longer than it was intended to be.

Our Violet WallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora