It dares to defeat me

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I know the night is here,
I knew it was arriving,
But I didn't prepare anything,
Neither greetings, nor the knives.
They dared to come to me,
Glaring me, warning all my crimes,
As if they hold a record of the past,
And I the am set to die.
Who would tell them this,
I have killed them long ago,
They tend to crawl back up,
All these memories,
And all these criminals.
No I don't owe them anything,
I was briefly taken aback,
But this time I will stab hard,
If they aim for my heart.
And they all become one,
One giant dark monster,
I missed the time when I had,
A sunshine, I thought I deserved.
But it wasn't long before,
I was dragged out of that illusion.

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