Same roof.

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I celebrated your absence,
Tried to seal away my sadness,
Invited friend over to gossip,
And decided to just feel happy.
If only love had been so easy,
And making you fall in love was a task,
I would've never tried so hard,
And just would've stayed behind of all.
But it isn't a chore I do,
This money I spent isn't helping,
Every little story I want to share with you,
Is just digging a grave for me.
We haven't talked for a long time.
All we do is stay under one roof,
But the house seems to have already fallen apart,
For you don't love me even though I do.
Who said trying harder would earn me,
Things I truly wanted?
There is nothing like snatching,
Things that can never be yours to claim.
I probably learned it the hard way,
I should've never expected,
And never should have fallen for you,
If it was only going to continuously bruise me.

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