Shadow ghosts

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Lurking in my dreams,
Dragging their existence into reality,
Painted my dreams violet and blue,
Perhaps I was never strong hearted.

I wished too many things at once,
Filled up my diary pages with manifestations,
Tried too hard to keep on smiling,
Even when there were haunting ghosts.

Shadows growing larger than me,
Larger than my iife ever existed.
Laughing at me from the dark,
I guess I am now too old to complain.

Visiting my sanity, I am stranger there.
It's definitely been sometime alone in here.
Thinking and wishing became a lame game,
I am tired but it just seems I can't quit.

These people don't exist, but there shadows do.
They whisper in my ears and I am not alone.
They make me feel their existence, they are the ghosts,
Returning from my past, they have something to settle.

Lurking everywhere, they own this place.
This place I used to call mine sometime ago.
The rhythm lost and no more the song plays.
The whispers have taken the places of all the white noises.

Justice for my mistakes, justice for my wrongdoings,
These people don't exist, they don't have a body.
But they shape my existence, these messed up thoughts,
I am everywhere just like the peices of my stories.

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