Strayed away

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Hold on to me, no don't let go,
This storm will pass by soon.
The rain will stop you know it,
So keep holding on, don't let go.
It shouldn't be so difficult,
I am looking forward and,
I will keep us safe no matter what,
It should not be so difficult.

Or so something I said,
Didn't notice you have strayed away,
Or was it me who let go,
Whose hand left whose.
Was it me, who made this mistake,
Is it too late to reverse this fate,
They told it should be easy,
To keep on holding on to it.
But I've lost.
I seem to have lost,
Perhaps I had lost a long time ago,
And it's that I realise it now.
Who will help me navigate,
The lengths of this mistake?
Can I rely on somebody if,
I have a reputation of losing fates.
I question almost everything ,
And I doubt the stories that,
I carefully built to keep you entertained.
So that you shouldn't fall asleep,
And never let the destiny,
Play it's desire game on you,
You must live this story.
So stay, stay, stay with me.
Keep holding onto me.
This should not be so difficult,
Atleast how tough they really claim it to be.

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