Story has ended

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The good part was skipped,
Those smiles that I missed,
An Era has passed and,
I just still the same me.
No name just a face in the room,
No one will ever know I was there,
The pictures reserve a corner for me,
And sometimes even those are a luxury.
I may seem tired but I am trying,
I try to smile and be bright,
But sometimes the dice won't fall right,
And I feel that the story has ended for long time.
All I see is the empty theater,
Traces of people who would have been here,
The glitter and confetti on the floor,
Seem that they were truly happy here.
But no one may have notice about me,
I got late and I was picking up a gift,
The awkward smile that stretches on my face,
This time I can truly truly feel it.
The songs have ended and so did the party,
The peices of their happiness is here,
And I know I should have started early,
But I can't change the fact that the story has ended.

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