Where the Street Ends.

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The rains drew patterns on the road,
Then again coloured it whole,
We tried to mark our footprints there,
Only to know they will just get erased.
We should've been dancing in the rain,
But all we do is walking on the way,
That will lead us back to our lonely home,
Where we will yet again separate our way.
I wish we could have enjoyed that cup of coffee a little more.
And appreciated this falling rain with you,
But as always you seem so distant, untrue.
I wish that someday my love reaches you.
But guess the time we have is less,
We are walking on the clocks running hands,
I never understood when our time came to be definite,
But I wish you fall in love with me here, where the street ends.
I know I can't ever wish this on a shooting star,
No amount of well wishes would take me that far,
But this is just a little secret wish I defend,
Wish you would know I loved you always even before the street ends.

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