Unfinished talks

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This cafe never seemed so dull,
The coffee was never so bland either,
I was never so desperate to talk,
And complete my sentences here.
There was rather a weak connection,
A hope that it might recoil back,
We can gain our old love back,
That idea got the best of me.
And now that I sit here across you,
She sits beside you, your ring on her finger,
I know, I am in no position to say this-
But why did we end us, with some foolish reasons?
Were we seeking new forests or,
Were we tired of the winds here?
What made you walk away from me,
When I never stopped loving you?
But guess I'll write and write and write,
And pen down pages even when this is over,
It is like a curse on me for being selfish,
Unfinished talks will be my rewind pleasure.
As I will continue to think of possibilities,
Of all the things we just could have been,
And cursing on all this joke of a destiny,
For now we can't be what we could have been.

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