Clouds above us

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Beasts were defeated at the end,
The war witnessed the bloodshed,
No swords were appreciated,
For each on the field were blood tainted.
And no curses matter now,
No smiles will ever bother henceforth,
I battled the idea of not losing,
Only to get defeated at the very end.
So how do you feel now after this?
How do you feel winning everything,
Took everything from me here,
How do you feel to see my smile fading.
No I didn't ever stop loving you,
No I never once wanted to leave,
But it was the turn of your heart,
That made me feel all lonely.
And like the roses once loved by all,
Withering without any loving hand,
I cursed myself inside those castle walls,
As the violet took away every light from me.
So now you are free to leave,
My soldiers have been defeated,
You can have a night with her now,
Without ever worrying who was the queen.
But today I appreciate this end,
The clouds above us, the sky blue.
Unlike the grey chaos it was at the beginning,
It now appreciates me for loving and leaving you.

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