47 ➳ blurred // h.x

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i honestly was and had never been inclined to physical activities, and it has been that way even before i chose the life of a hermit. my parents would rather bury me underneath piles of thick textbooks studying my ass off; i further made this worse by being an artist and a gamer, which required me to fully immerse myself in a confined space.

what was i thinking? what made me think that running for my life was a good idea, when i could've just waited for the subway to be fixed and then they'll be giving out those paper slips indicating that your tardiness was because of the technical difficulties of the train.

i like limit testing my skills in the game and in art, but i wonder what went through my head thinking it was a good idea to limit test my physical self. i blame adrenaline.

somehow, i made it to the g.u, but shortly after that, everything was blurry and everyone sounded fuzzy and muffled. the last coherent thing i heard was chuuya screaming my name - nothing else followed after that.

my vision was dark and blurry, yet i can still hear everything around me - apart from the constant ringing of my ears and the rapid beating of my heart. i passed out, but i am still awake. whatever this phenomenon may be, hopefully i can make a mental note to myself that i'm never pushing my body too hard ever again.

several minutes later, i felt something damp touch my lips, followed by a trickling sensation at the surface of my throat. the first response i did was to take whatever this liquid is, and i'm glad i did. it was tasteless yet refreshing, so i am certain that this was water.

not long passed, my vision slowly got better, and the ringing of my ears have disappeared. the first thing that i saw upon my eyesight getting clearer was everyone staring at me with emotions i couldn't make out of. chuuya was holding a small paper cup with this panicky look in his face, tachihara and kajii were like worries uncles, akutagawa with his usual straight face, and coach mori with a sigh of relief.

"oh thank fuck you're not dead, hayakawa!" kajii exclaimed in a way that he was about to cry. "and here i thought we were going to lose our support again!"

coach mori, on the other hand, spared none of the shenanigans and got straight to the point. i mean, i am late yet again. "did you run all the way here from your house?"

i nodded my head in agreement and hung my head low, but not before the coach pushed my head back up again.

"try not to lean forward or look down for now, hayakawa," coach mori said. "you might pass out again."

i obediently followed and sat straight. "i actually ran from the subway station to here, because the subway broke down and i was going to be more late than i already am."

"we understand, but please try not to be late next time."

the coach spared no time on that, huh. well, it is my fault for always being tardy anyways.

"i..." i stopped for a bit. i remember something happening while i was running, but at this point i couldn't remember it fully. i am fully certain though that the reason why i'm extra exhausted now is not just because i ran my ass off. 

"fuck, i can't remember, but something happened along the way too." was all i said, but of course the team wouldn't let me off the hook on that note.

"i ran across the media on my way here-"

and even before i was able to finish my sentence, everybody had the same reaction towards that information.

"you what?"

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