61 ➳ tokyo // n.c

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everyone seems to be looking forward for this team building day to come. the reason why i'm saying that is because we were all supposed to meet at the g.u around 9 and yet everyone is already here as early as 8:30. heck, even the tardy xyren is here, albeit snoozing in her seat. coach mori said that the woman has been here since 8:15, the first one to arrive before everyone else.

"well it's pretty obvious that hayakawa is excited for this occasion!" i heard kajii commented, talking to tachihara as usual. the red head gave out an audible smirk.

"either that or she finally learned her lesson for being late all the time." tachihara replied in a snarky manner. i don't think xyren can hear them, or she's intentionally not minding them; knowing her, it's probably the latter.

coach mori walked past by the sleeping beauty, giving her to what it looked like a light tap on her shoulders, to which xyren responded to with a low-tone grunt before she finally fluttered her eyes open from her nap.

"alrighty! now that's everyone here," coach mori garnered the attention of everyone a few minutes after giving xyren ample time to get her soul back. "let's go ahead and get to our company car, shall we?"

kajii and tachihara just shouted their heck yeah's before scooting themselves all the way to the parking lot of the g.u where our car was. of course it was the coach who'll be doing the driving, and i was already informed beforehand by mori that xyren will be sitting in the other front seat. normally i would be there, but this was the coach's decision to 'prevent any funny ideas from you men.' pfft.

it will take a few hours before reaching the city of tokyo by car, and i'm glad that the current person in the shotgun seat is still doing her job despite my first prejudice. i thought xyren was going to let the entire trip be stuck with coach mori's weird music taste, but maybe i'm just really being salty about xyren right now.

as a matter, her choice of music is pretty normal and fitting for a road trip like this.

however, of course the challenger support was still quiet, much like akutagawa at the other end of the backseat. me, kajii, and tachihara are doing the usual ruckus that we normally do. there wasn't anything new to see in this trip anyway; it was all just buildings and the rural life all the way through. it wasn't until then that we realized that we're already even in tokyo.

while it's still the same, rural and bustling city, you can actually see a lot of the difference compared to yokohoma. how do i put it... let's just say it's so much busier here, especially during this time of day. it was already hours past noon, and locals and tourists alike were pretty much everywhere.

and a little bit later, we have finally reached the hotel that we were going to stay on. it's not your usual busy hotel per se, but coach mori intentionally picked a newer and less crowded place to stay so that we could focus on our own agendas for the team building.

once the coach was done checking us all in, we gathered in the lobby for a while longer. coach mori was going to hand us our keys to our rooms, but with something unexpected bound to happen.

"well, as you can see, we're kind of in a tight budget," the coach awkwardly laughed, but at the same time it feels like he was sarcastic and had planned this from the start. "as much as i'd like you give you your own rooms, our org's money wouldn't approve of that."

"aww, bummer!" tachihara exclaimed frustratingly. "can i at least room with kajii or akutagawa?"

"sure, you can room with akutagawa." was the coach's reply to that, with no room for hesitation whatsoever. the more this goes on, the more i feel like the man had this planned since god-knows-when.

"kajii goes with me, and of course, i'll leave the two bot laners together~" yeah see, with that teasing voice, this was definitely on purpose.

it seems like xyren got the same idea as i did, as we both looked at each other's directions almost at the same time after coach mori declared that we're going to share the same room. a part of me is somehow glad, but majority was still upset in some way. on the other hand, xyren just shrugged it off as if we had the choice to protest anyway.

this is a team building, after all. with everything that's happening in the team, the coach really must have thought of this through, and probably was for the better good to really let us stay in the same room at night. 

i wonder how will that turn out...?

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