13 ➳ drunk gaming // n.c

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it is less than five days before the League tournament.



what were we doing last night, celebrating too hard about the new member? it completely slipped off my mind that the reason that i needed a teammate in a rush was because the tournament will be held in a week.

good job, chuuya. good job at procrastinating.

but if it's for the love of having wine, then i guess there's no regrets to it.

i woke up somewhere around one forty-five or almost two in the afternoon. the streets outside of where i live was dead quiet, since everyone was mostly still at work.

i contacted xyren??--was that her name??-- to let her know that we'll be practicing for the rest of the day, but not too long for her to get caught in her dormitory curfews again.

ring. and for some reasons, a voice of a man came to greet me through the phone.

was i still drunk? "uh, xyren? are you okay?"

or was she the one drunk?

the guy on the other line cleared his throat before proceeding. "pardon me, this is hayakawa's roommate. is there anything you need?"

"well, sorry to be rude, mr. roommate," i said as cocky as i could, pretending that i wasn't shocked of thirteen seconds ago. "but we need our fellow support for League practices!"

"sure, she's here at the art shop near the eye," her roommate replied with no hesitation. "although she's still quite drunk, so pick her up if you must."

the call ended soon, not even bothering me to give the exact address of the art shop. i don't remember any art shops near the eye, either.

damn it. i've already wasted enough time, why must i spend more?

black coat, black pants, black hat on. i got ready as quickly as i could and went to try to find that hidden art shop--

--and then instantly realizing where it was, with walking just the effort that i've done so far.

i remember that shop wherein my team and i used to make fun of because of its hideous name. "ren's trash" was the name, i believe. her name was xyren, so i'd assume that the guy was referring to that shop.

we used to make fun of it because we were like "why would someone sell trash?"

and now i feel quite bad for making jokes about it, considering it was owned by the female challenger, after all.

immediately finding the shop like a dog to its hidden bone, i let myself in to the shop, with purple eyes piercing through my soul as a greeting.

"i'm here to pick up m'lady now." i smirked, earning me a heavy glare from her roommate.

the pastor reached his hand out behind the counter, a low grunt was emitted a few seconds after. "your teammate is here."

xyren's sleepyhead peeped from the counter, looking at me with her eyes still half-closed.

"well, i see someone's weak from just low-alcohol content wine," i teased, letting out a small sinister laugh for her weakness in alcohol. "you might be challenger, but i bet you couldn't play well while you're still drunk."

her roommate also gave out a confident smirk. "i know nothing of your game, but i rest assure you that you should really be careful with your choices of words."

does he really think that his roommate can play with her mind and vision all fuzzy? that must be the greatest joke i've heard for today!

i let out a prideful 'huh' before pulling xyren out of her shop and dragged her all the way to the gaming university, wherein we were allowed to use the facilities for practicing.

i carefully watched our support as she logs in her account without making any mistakes in typing in the password. am i even sure that xyren is still drunk, or already sober-- just tired?

since the rest of the team weren't there yet, we decided to go on a normal game first.

and shit, this girl picked her character with ease, bought items and got first blood in the game.

what sorcery is this, drunk gaming?

is she even drunk?!

"hey, xyren," i scowled. she just looked at me blankly and expressionless, just like she would always do. "stop shitting me and stop pretending drunk!"

but there was no response other than a low grunt.

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