11 ➳ w(h)ine // h.x

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in the blink of an eye, the men were raising two bottles of wine up in the air. the sound of corks popping out of the bottle probably faster than the speed of sound.

as fast as everything that was going on, so was how fast everyone was getting drunk.

you can tell how they're all used with drinking this much alcohol in a span of hours shorter than the time that i spend time playing league. although today was not the first time that i drank wine, my alcohol tolerance was far too low from everyone else.

my mind and conscious were still aware of what is going on around me, but my vision was starting to fuzz and blur.

i grabbed my phone from my pocket to check the time; it was almost 11 in the evening and there was a message from my roommate, hawthorne. my phone was not in silent mode for me not to hear or feel my phone vibrate upon receiving his message. he sent the message around 10:15pm.

and i didn't hear or feel a thing. damn it.

while still sane, i opened his message and although it took me a few minutes to get the texts clear, i already know for sure that he's looking for me already.

hawthorne: where are you? landlord fitzgerald will be locking the entrance soon.

at that very moment, i felt like all my drunken symptoms disappeared out of panic of being caught in the dormitory curfew hours. i approached chuuya, only to be teased with his killer smirks.

"hey-ey, new member! having fun yet~?" he slurred through his words, but he wasn't that drunk yet.

i bowed to show my sincerity. "i did, thank you. but i have to leave now; i have a curfew at the dorm."

"want me to take you home? you're quite drunk now."

i do not know what was worse at that point -- like, is it much worse for a drunk person (me) to go home alone late at night? or was it much worse that a drunk person (chuuya) would be driving me home at this time of the night?

either to sleep in front of the dormitory entrance or to get heavily scolded by the landlord were my only choices.

so i just accepted chuuya's offer in hopes of getting back to the dormitory before 11pm.

everyone was already drunk or nearly drunk so it was quite pointless to say goodbye. chuuya drove as fast as he could whilst still following speed limit laws, just for the sake of getting me home in time.

at this time, the alcohol was starting to take effect all over me -- both physical, mentally, and psychologically. thoughts from my past life are starting to cloud my head, and restraining myself for a little more was harder than i thought.

my drunk ass couldn't walk straight anymore, neither that i could put the key straight to the keyhole the moment we got to the dormitory. in panic, chuuya helped me and opened the door for me, handing me the keys and saying his farewell before heading back to his car.

as i closed the door, albeit blurry, i can tell that the landlord was coming straight to my direction. he was -- as usual -- still wearing his bright white suit even as late as this hour.

"nearly breaking dormitory rules, eh sport?" his intimidating voice came to me in echoes. his footsteps grow louder and his figure keeps getting bigger by the second.

another figure was coming but i couldn't tell who it was anymore. as my eyes start to be clouded by tears, i couldn't help but to just look down, cover my face, and for the longest time...

...i'm actually feeling emotions again. after so many years of trying to bury them underneath my dead-to-the-surface demeanor.

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