30 ➳ issues // d.o

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ah, the power of females and the more powerful force of feminism in this crowd was highly dominant. Port Mafia suddenly had the attention of the mass, all because a female player was now there.

a bunch of creeps and hypocrites.

either way, xyren isn't that known yet -- her play styles and strategies are still unknown to the mass, and her in-game stats are the only thing that the pgs leaders could search in the surface web for their research purposes; not unless the association is secretly the fbi, or that they got help from the agency with gathering data.

although i have seen how she copes with her newly-found teammates, i don't think having to see just one game was enough for me to make a concrete judgment about her overalls. but seeing from what i've witnessed so far, xyren overpowers them all and that their reaction time varies upon her set and engages.

in which in a few minutes, this woman's skills will be bare to the entirety of the locals. or maybe with international fans as well, who knows.

it seems like chuuya will be playing his usual role for the first game. considering that the first brackets of the entire tournament is only a best-of-one, the team only has one shot to do their thing if they want to advance any further in the challenge.

and that was the problem with the team for the past two years that i was there; we were never able to advance way further than the elimination rounds and the entire pgs of japan is aware of that, ever since our debut as a team. opinions and theories as to why this happened were split when you check social media. however, in the sea of criticism and observations, there was a common ground among all their voices.

it was that the issue of the team seems to have revolved between the bot lane duo. me and chuuya. as much as that hurts me, if the collective agrees then it must be what it is.

the battle between Port Mafia and their opposing team wasn't going to start in a few minutes, so i pleasure myself in checking the toxic ocean of social media in the meantime. most pgs fans love lurking around a certain bird app, so i went to tap the app and check what people have to say today.

it was not surprising to see 'Jisatsu', 'Port Mafia', '4dTaintedSorrow', and 'new support' all trending at the same time. a lot of the post, if not all of them, were already discussing about their prediction of the game to come. that, or their discussion about whatever the hell happened to me.

it's amusing to read through everyone's takes - some are hilarious and most are really dumb if i say so myself. but most importantly, the discourse between people clashing me and chuuya together on who's better is the most amusing and weird out of all topics out there on the app.

ah yes. all i could say to my former team is i wish them the best of luck in any of their endeavors.

most especially to hayakawa. i hope her patience is as long as i imagine it to be.


so uh, will you look at that? i'm actually back to writing after 4 long years oh my god?
i'm not entirely sure if anyone's still here and if anyone's still here to read on that matter, but i just had the urge to write. you could say that i'm having withdrawals for the past few months.
hopefully i'll be able to keep going though! i really do miss and enjoy writing and i'm hoping to finish this one too :) --risu

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