09 ➳ spectate // d.o

58 7 6

i would like to stay firm of my belief that female league players only exist behind YouTube videos.

i refuse to believe that a beautiful woman like her is stuck up with the bandwagon called video games.

i refuse.

i... i can't accept it.

all of a sudden, i have the urge to commit suicide again.

"i've been playing games since i was five. that's basically my life since childhood."

these words escaped from her own lips when i didn't want them to. as much as i want to go on a deeper conversation with this woman, i find myself facing the back view of her jet black hair.

"i have other matters to take care of," she said in her cold-toned voice.

of course, when a gamer says 'other matters', it usually only means one thing.

my legs automatically took me back home, throwing my beige coat aside and immediately sat myself in front of my working table -- where my laptop stays still.

lifting the screen up and pressing the power button, i fidget on the table as i watch the laptop start itself up right in front of me. as soon as the password prompt appeared, i did not hesitate to type the access, wait a few seconds for it to load, and told cortana;

"cortana, open league of legends."

i have seriously not launched this game since ages; i couldn't even remember well anymore. haven't uninstalled it, however i had it hidden from my sight -- to a view that i wouldn't see when i use my laptop.

i, dazai osamu, devoted (probably) a long time ago that i shall quit this game!

and yet, here i am finding myself in front of a screen, loading the client.

"damn you..." were i had to say to myself.

the league update loaded shortly after, and whoa! i really have been gone for so long!

everything looked... new and alien to me.

on the side of the client interface, there shows my friends list wherein it is alphabetically and status arranged. online people were on top of the list while the offline ones are at the bottom.

at this very moment, only five out of 365 people were online on my list;

● 4dTaintedSorrow
- in game as vayne

● I am Tachihara
- in game as darius

● Lemon Bomb
- in game as ziggs

● Rashoumon
- in game as elise

● Vita Sexualis
- spectating

and these five -- surprise, surprise! -- are all my ex-teammates, with Vita Sexualis being their team coach.

i hovered my pointer to one of the guys and pressed right click, showing me various actions that i could do to or with the player. one option was (thankfully) lit in yellow, which means it is available as an action.

the spectate option.

why am i stalking, i have no idea either. i worked part time at a detective agency anyway, so these things should be normal for me by now.

a little later, i was taken to the loading screen where i am able to see the line up of each team. the mafia were at at the purple team, and they were all in random places, so i'd assume that they're only playing a normal pvp game.

at the third slot, there was this player named XYAxis using lulu with a challenger frame. it made the other four look like a bunch of weaklings since three of them have diamond frames and only akutagawa having a master frame.

the moment the game loaded me as a spectator, this lulu support stands still with a score of zero kills, zero deaths, and thirty-two assists.

"y-you play league? what role do you play?"

"let's just say, i'm labeled as the 'bot lane dominator'."

shit. is this XY player the same person as who i'm thinking right now...?


yes i'm still alive don't worry hahahaha /drowns in schoolwork/ 

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