Chapter 47

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After the uncomfortable breakfast, it's time to go back. Ingrid wanted Luana to stay longer, but it was difficult to use the kitchen freely in the Imperial Palace, so she decided to return to the mansion according to the Duke's opinion.

Luana climbed into the carriage and looked at Ingrid, waving with a worried face. Looking at her like that gave her a bad feeling. So she hesitated, and the duke pulled Luana into the carriage.

"I have to go back."

The carriage wheels began to roll as soon as the two of them got in. It was the end of a short visit to the Imperial Palace.

"Why did you do that in the morning?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that feeding is only between lovers."

"It does."

"We're not even lovers, are we?"

Maybe the duke likes her? She knew it couldn't be, but her heart was racing strangely.

'What if he really likes mr? What do I have to do? It's completely different from the story, but is it okay? But already Ingrid was running in a different direction than in the novel.'

She wondered if it would be okay. As she deepened her thoughts, she heard the duke's voice.

"No, we're not."

She got emotional for a moment. She wanted to pinch and twist the duke's cheek, who had spoken calmly with his chin on his hand.

"Then why did you do that?"

"Because what you eat looks more delicious."

"They're all the same food."

Luana, who pouted, became angry. She belatedly feels embarrassed. What the hell did she imagine?


She wanted to scream in shame. She wished she had jumped out of the carriage at any moment and distanced herself from the Duke. But the carriage was still running; she didn't dare to jump off.


The carriage stopped after arriving at the duke's mansion. As soon as the carriage door opened, Luana darted out. She heard the duke calling from behind, but she ignored him. She had to go somewhere to calm her mind.

So, she arrived in front of Jangdokdae. It was the most relaxing place.

"Miss Luana?"

There, Way was carefully cleaning the jar with a dry towel. As soon as he found Luana, he greeted her with a faint smile. He always has a fierce look on his face, so she sometimes forgets he is quite handsome when he relaxes his expression.


"Yes, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Is that so?"

Luana smiled and approached the jar. Although they couldn't cook together, that didn't mean that the relationship they had so far deteriorated. Especially, she owed him a lot, so it was impossible to make the distance. Way was the one who looked at the jar whenever she was away.

"How's it going?"

"I don't know. I don't know what's supposed to happen. But I did my best."

Luana's heart was moved by the way he spoke sincerely. How can there be such a nice person? It may be annoying to take on the work, but he seemed to have been working hard to protect the Jangdokdae every time. It was different from a certain someone who only gives people shame.

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