Mipha & the Owl Beast

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This was requested by Abbydabbi777 remember to comment requests, give me ideas.

Mipha's POV:

"And you're SURE you know the way to-"
"Nini, please!" I begged, prying my hand from Nini as they worried about every detail. I whistled for Celeste, smiling as she transformed into my staff. 

"Text me when you get there, ok? Make sure you take your medications, and-"
"Nini!" I groaned, rolling my eyes.
"Ok Ok! Go before you're late!" They pecked my cheek, before fixing my hair, I shoed them off me, laughing as I left our room and bounded down the hallways. I was super excited since I got to see mom this weekend! And for once, Nini is letting me get there on my own! I got to the front gates, running through town and smiling ear to ear as I then mounted my staff and took off. Sure, I could run all the way to Mom's if I wanted, but I love flying! Ever since Hunter took me flying, I've been hooked!

I love how the wind feels against me, a feeling of unfettered freedom coursing through me as the world whizzed past me. The world seemed so small from up here, like nothing really mattered. 
I saw the Owl House come into view, so I lowered down and landed, Celeste climbing into my messenger bag as I approached the door.

"Hooty Hoot! You're here!" Hooty came and wrapped me in a hug, making me laugh as he brought his face up to me.
"Hi Hooty!" I nuzzled my nose to his beak as he let me go.
"King and Luz are out with Willow and Gus! So it's just you, me and Eda!" I opened the door, before stopping as I saw mom on the ground, reaching her arm under the couch, her breathing was panicked as she stood up, throwing the cushions off and then checking the fireplace.

"Uh... mom? What are you doing?" Mom snapped her head to me, startling me since her eyes were straight black, she had feathers sticking out of her arms and neck.
"Owlet? Oh no, you can't be here! You need to go! Where's Raine?" She snapped, panicking as I noticed more feather began popping out. 
"Mom? What's happening?" I stepped to her, in turn she stepped away, waving her arms to try and get me away.

"Y-You can't be- aaaAAAAGGGHHH!!!!" Mom screamed, falling to her knees as I watched her body begin to morph and change, my heart stopped, my mind shutting down for a split second as I was now face to face with a monster, it growled at me, stepping forward before I screamed and ran behind the couch, the beast lunging and hitting the wall.

"Hooty!! Hooty help me!!!" I cried, the beast finding me and swiping for me, I scuffled backwards, knocking the table down to block it off and running up the stairs. The beast screached, chasing after me as I ran and tripped, hitting my chin and biting my lip. I scurried up, screaming as it grabbed my leg, dragging me down and forcing me to look at it.

"Mom! It's me!" I cried, tears slipping down my face as the beast drooled on me. 
Is this mom's curse that Nini mentioned?! What is happening?!

It began sniffing me, making me shiver as it's claws dug into my arm. I blew in it's face, creating a large enough gust of wind to throw it off me as I ran back up the stairs, running into my bedroom and slamming the door. I froze the lock, hearing it come upstairs and bang on the door. I held my breathe, trying to ground myself as I heard it's screaming and crashing through the outside of the door. 

"I'm ok, everythings ok, it's ok" I rocked back and forth, hyperventilating as Hooty stretched through my window.
"Eda turned into the Owl Beast! She must've run out of Elixer! Oh no! Where's your other arm?" Hooty yelled, making me cover my ears and shake my head rapidly.

"Oh! Sorry, hoot hoot... I forgot... are you ok?" He began whispering as I continued to shake my head, the noises wouldn't stop as Hooty wrapped himself around me, nuzzling his face into my cheek to try and help me.
"But seriously, where's your other arm?" I stiffled a breathy laugh, struggling to stop my tears as I sucked in breathe after breathe.
"I only ever had two... hold tighter please" I pleaded, Hooty wrapping tighter around me as I breathed out a relieved sigh. I began petting him, his feathers were soft and comforting. Hooty stretched out, grabbing my headphones from my messenger bag and placing them on my head, muting all the sound around me as I closed my eyes. 

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