Newborn Exhaustion

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Raine's POV:

She was screaming, no matter what I did she just wouldn't settle. I tried everything, feeding, burping, changing, swaddling, cuddling, none of it was working!
Her cries were deafening, I haven't slept in over a week... it's been 8 days since she moved with me to the castle, and luckily she's been pretty quiet and calm- but not tonight.

"Come on sweetheart... Nini's doing their best..." I pleaded, listening to her crying as my ears continued to ring. I was exhausted, but here she was, wide awake. I kept gently rocking her, she's so small, barely fitting in my hand. She's grown a bit since she was born nearly 4 weeks ago, but she's still super tiny. I began shushing her, spinning my finger so my violin began playing a gentle tune. Begging the Titan to calm her down so she and I can sleep. I've been awake for roughly 52 hours with the ocasional 30 minute power nap.
I don't know Eda's lullaby, I should ask her to record it so I can play it for Mipha when she gets like this. 

I was so tired that I barely noticed that Mipha had finally stopped crying, I looked down at her sleeping face, her little squeaks as she breathed making my heart swell with love for my little girl. She may be making me lose my sanity at a rapid pace, but I love her with all my heart and mind, so it's worth the sleep deprivation. I slowly and carefully walked to the nursery, before VERY slowly lowering her into the crib and turning on the gentle rocking setting it had, keeping her moving gently as if she were still in my arms. I tip-toed out, gently closing the door so it wouldn't make a sound. I sighed in relief, not hearing her cry as I walked back to my room and flopped on my bed, getting tucked in and comfortable. I closed my eyes, slipping into the dream world, sleep welcoming me into it's arms...

"wwaaaaAAAAAHHHHH- hic- AAAAAAHHHH" I groaned, near the verge of tears as I got up and walked back to the nursery, about to open the door.

*BANG BANG BANG* I turned to the front door, processing for a moment before sighing and heading for the door. It's 4 in the morning, who in their right mind would-

"Raine! What is that Titan awful noise coming from here! I can't sleep with this racket!" I stared down at the red imp in front of me with tired eyes. 
"It's been a week, and you're only NOW bringing up the noise?" I raised a brow at her, hearing her scoff.
"I've been on a VERY important mission for the emperor for the passed two weeks!"

Ah, so that's why the castle's been so peaceful.
I was snapped from my haze as Kikimora marched in, making me groan since she does tend to just invite herself into people's unit's. She thinks she's all high and mighty, when in turn she's just an advisor, nothing more.

"Now what in Titan's name is making that noise?!" She looked around as I went back to the nursery door, catching her attention as I opened the door and Mipha's cries got even louder without the door to muffle them.
Kikimora came over with hesitation as I stepped into the room and went to the crib, turning off the rocker and scooping her into my arms. She looked like she just got petrified as she stared at me wide eyed.

"An- INFANT.... How in the world-"
"She's my daughter... her mother isn't with us anymore, so she's mine to raise and care for" I whispered, feeling sad that Eda wasn't able to help. I know how heartbroken she was to give Mipha up, but with her curse... this was the only way.
"If you think Emperor Belos will let you-"
"Oh for Titan's sake- He knows! I told him MONTHS ago that I was expecting a child and would need to raise her here! He knows!" I snarled, this making Mipha scream and make me shush her and rock her back and forth gently. I calmed myself, taking a few deep breaths as I walked to the kitchen, seeing that Mipha would be hungry by now. Luckily I made some bottles earlier, so this should be easy. Kikimora still followed, still seeming confused by the situation. 

"I don't understand... you're seeing someone?"
"WAS- seeing someone... she's gone now" I sighed, grabbing the bottle from the fridge and heating it to the right temperature with magic before giving it to Mipha. Guiding the nipple of the bottle to her mouth and tipping the contents to help her eat it. 
"So from now on... this BABY will be in the castle... screaming" she seemed discouraged, annoyed by what's to come. 

"She's not always screaming... it's just been a rough few days for us... she's adjusting to not having her mom and so am I... it's really difficult so I would appreciate you not make it worse. I'm exhausted, Kikimora" I explained as Mipha let out a cry half way through the bottle, prompting me to gently move her to my shoulder so I could pat her back to get the trapped gas out. 
"I see... maybe a sound proofing spell needs to be placed on your unit... to spare the rest of us"
"I'm too tired to do a spell like that, I'm sorry... I'll ask if Darius can do it once he's up" I turned, seeing Kikimora by the door.
"Well, see to it that it gets done the moment he wakes. Good night, Whispers" She slammed the door, sending Mipha into another fit as I desperately tried to calm her again. She finally got the gas out, crying again as I shifted to feed her the rest of the bottle. I let out a long, tired breath as I decided since she's busy eating, I could get Darius. The sooner he does the spell, the quicker maybe the rest of us can sleep. I opened the door, leaving my unit and beginning the walk to the end of the hallway so I could go to the lower floor where Darius' unit is. 

Mipha was happily eating as I knocked on the door, soon being greeted by an abomination as the lights turned on in the unit, a very tired Darius walking around the corner.

"Raine... It's nearly 5 in the morning"
"I need a favor... Kikimora's back and came to me yelling about Mipha... I need the unit sound proofed but I can't do it... I'm too tired" I groaned, nearly falling over as Darius came and scooped up Mipha from my arms.
"You look like you got hit by a Slitherbeast..."
"I put baby formula in the coffee maker by accident this morning... or I guess yesterday morning now... wait... what day is it?" I rubbed my forehead as Darius shook his head and sighed.

"You need help, Raine... here, I'll hold Mipha, and we'll go back to the room. I'll soundproof your unit and then I'll take care of Mipha so you can sleep. Come on" I followed him as we made our way back to my unit. I didn't want to bother him with this stuff, but I was beyond tired, and couldn't take care of Mipha safely right now. We got to the room, Darius guiding me to my bedroom and helping me lay down, making me realise I never did put my glasses back on, so that's partly why everything was so blurry. 

"Sleep... I'll take care of everything" He reassured, making me thankful I had a good friend like him to help me with this stuff... even if I was embarrassed to ask for it.
I feel like I should be able to do all this by myself... but I can't, and that hurts me for some reason.
I just want her to be healthy, but she's so small and fragile... in reality, she should've died when she was born, but she powered through and survived it all. I'm so proud of her already, and I'm sure she'll continue to make me proud of her.
I've just gotta get my shit together... and give her the life she deserves.

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