Where are they?

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Obviously, this may or may not end up being canon, I won't know until For The Future airs. This is just what I personally think happened to everyone once the Collector stopped the draining spell.
This was requested by the lovely abbydabbi777. Thank you for your continued support.
This will probably be a mess, so bear with me.
This will also be a little short, but I hope you enjoy it none the less!

Happy reading!

Eda's POV:

The pain stopped, I watched Raine's markings disapear, scars beign left behind as they began to breath normally again, filling me with relief as I watched everyone begin to come to, processing everything. I looked up, hearing and feeling tremors as I watched the Head of the Titan begin to break apart. Light's flashing. I could've sworn I heard King use his powers, before the head destroyed itself completely, beginning to float away. 

I started shaking Raine, waking them up as they groaned, finally coming to their senses.

"what happened... are we in heaven?"
"Unfortunately no, the draining spell stopped, we're alive" I smiled, helping them up as Darius and Eber came over to us.

"Where are the kids?" he asked as the rest of the coven heads began to get up, conversing among themselves about what just transpired. 
Raine tensed, looking up at the destroyed remains of the head, before gasping and trying to run, falling as Darius caught them.

"Mipha! They all went to the head! Eda! Our daughter is up there!" They screamed, beginning to cry as I realized they were right, they were there! The ground began to shake, cracking apart.
"Whatever is happening to the head is spreading! We have to go!" Darius fought back, holding Raine as I looked at my missing arm, wincing as I felt ghost pains.

"We have to go there! Mipha!" They wailed, Darius picking them up and turning to the others"
"Everyone get out of here! People will be looking for their families, we have to evacuate now!" everyone understood, heading out as I sucked back my tears, trying to stay strong. 
"Raine, we have to go" I choked out, beginning to run with Darius carrying them and jumping down from the tower. I mounted Owlbert, Eberwolf jumping on behind me and resting on my lap as Darius sat behind me, still holding Raine as they seemed paralyzed, crying.

"EDA! OUR BABY IS UP THERE! MIPHA!" my heart ached, hearing them cry out and scream for our daughter, I barely held up, trying not to think of the reality. Mipha is... our daughter is gone... she has to be...
The tower broke apart, we watched people running out, finding their families and fleeing the city. I flew to where the Owl House was, remembering none of my things would be there, the scouts emptied it. Whatever is happening, it's spreading slowly, we should have time to gather and figure out some sort of a plan. 

Once we landed, Raine was in hysterics, sobbing and yelling for me to turn around and go back as we carried them inside. My couch was still there, along with some old books, so Darius put Raine on the couch, letting me sit beside them and finally break, beginning to cry with them.

"Eda... where is our daughter?" 
"I don't know, Rainestorm... I don't know... We'll find her... promise" I held their hands, they were so weak, everyone seeming to have scars from the sigil veins, Raine's being the most visable, the other's were light, barely visable.


As the weeks went by, we put up missing posters, we met up with Alador, helped him search for bossy boots. I hated putting these up. Darius had ones for Hunter, Willow and Gus' parents putting up ones for them. Raine and I? We had the most, 3 kinds... some for King, some for Luz... and some for Mipha. 
Seems no one else had posters up, everyone had found their families... except us.

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