An Arm for a Leg

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In this, we're gonna pretend the Coven Heads aren't puppets, and that Eda and Lilith can come and go from the archives as they please. And the Collector made the skull collapse to trap everyone instead of turning Mipha into a doll.

Here we go!

!TW! for detailed injuries/slight gore.

Mipha's POV:

My head was pounding, the skull collapsed, we were all seperated from eachother just as we were celebrating teleporting to the Titan's skull. Now it's just Hunter and I stuck Titan knows where.

"Meephs... you alright?" Hunter crouched above me, taking my hand.
"Yeah... I'm ok... where are we?" he helped me to my feet, pulling my chest to his and keeping his arms around my waist protectively.
"The Titan's veins... or the esophagus... I can't be too sure right now" I nodded, leaning onto his shoulder as he kissed my head, rubbing my back.

"Celeste? Celeste!" I called, hearing no response.
"All the palisman were with Camila when the skull collapsed... Celeste isn't here" I swore under my breath at this, Hunter patting my back and letting me go- but keeping a firm grip on my hand and looking up.

"We're caved in from above... can't teleport" he clicked his tongue, looking around and seeing only one way out, the other side of the cave was plugged up with dirt.
"Any chance you can use your magic?" I nodded, focussing and trying to move the ground, but screamed as it backfired and caused another cave in that made Hunter and I jump out of the way. 

"My magic's unstable... it's like it's out-growing my body" I shook my head, blinking away tears of frustration as we stood back up. We began walking, a dull orb of light showing the way. It was small, I was scared to use my magic... I caused so much destruction and devastation. I'm not sure I want to risk trying anything more than a small light spell. His grip on my hand never lessened in strength. After the whole break up, it seems he's adamant on keeping me close to him at all costs. I didn't mind, I loved his touch, his love and affection. It was everything to me. 
Step after step, mile after mile, it felt like we weren't getting anywhere.

"Sh! I hear voices" Hunter warned, having us stick to the walls to try and hide. 

"Well, whatever caused that cave in, we gotta find any survivors before the Collector does and turns them into puppets, Lily" I gasped, Hunter shushing me before I squeezed his hand and stepped from the wall.
"I know that voice..." I choked out, my voice catching in my throat as I felt a wave of emotions wash over me.
"That's the Owl Lady..."
"Mom..." I walked forward, pushing the light orb forward more to light the way before I smiled as I saw their shadows coming into view.

"Edalyn! Look!" I kept walking, before turning the corner and seeing them and gasping.

"Mommy!" I ran forward, tackling her into a hug and squeezing her tight as I felt her shake, wrapping her arm around me. I pulled back, seeing her crying before I took note of her missing arm. I touched it, alerting her of my concern as she laughed sadly.
"Your Nini did that... saved me from the sigil" I hummed in response, hugging her again before looking to Aunt Lily. 

"Little Zora..."
"Hi Aunt Lily..." I approached, touching her hair before she let out a laugh and scooping me into a hug.
"Hang on-" Mom pulled me to her before her hand touched the scar on my shoulder, then went down to the scars on my stomach.

"What happened" she growled, Hunter tensing and looking down, avoiding eye contact with us.

"Hunter, we talked about this" I stepped to him, taking his hands and forcing him to look at me.
"Speaking of, what happened to Blondie?" Mom added, making Hunter press his forehead to mine, letting out a long sigh and placing his hand on my stomach, rubbing his thumb on one of the claw marks Belos left when he gutted me. 

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now