A Misunderstanding

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Hunter's POV:

"Hunter! It's almost time for the game!" Willow came to me as I stared at the bleachers, scanning each row as my hope began to dwindle.
"Hunter?" I looked to her, a frown on my face.
"She's not here yet... you don't think she went on another mission... do you?" I asked, my voice cracking as I started to feel betrayed.
"She promised she'd come, right? I'm sure she'll make it, Mipha never breaks a promise" she flicked my cowlick, the piece of hair flopping back onto my face as I looked back at the bleachers. 

My heart skipped when I finally saw Eda and Raine appear and head up the bleachers, but that hope quickly disapeared as Mipha still wasn't there. When Eda and Raine sat down and watched the field... I knew she skipped on me. 

"She's not coming..." 
"Why not ask them where she is?"
"You're right... let me ask them really quick" I jogged up to the bleachers, Eda spotting me and beginning to frown.

"Mrs Eda! Is Mipha coming?" she looked to Raine, both of them looking sad before looking back to me.
"I'm sorry Hunter, she left for a mission last night... she said she'd be back before the game... so we actually uh-"
"We don't actually know why she's not here... Mission might've run long, she'll get to you as soon as she gets back, I promise kid" Eda pat my shoulder as Raine nodded. I felt heartbroken, she promised me she wouldn't let a mission get in the way of us anymore. With the now Legacy Coven going around helping rebuild the Isles and to drive back danger's, Mipha and Darius have been out a lot. She missed our anniversary, she's missed 4 dates, and now... she's gonna miss Hexides Championship game against St Epiderm.

I walked back to the team, all of them seeing how upset I was, and knowing what happened.

"She's not coming?"
"She's on a mission" I clenched my fists, my anger beginning to take over, fueling me to win this game, give her something to fucking miss after bailing on me for the hundreth time.

We got in position, waiting for the ref to start the game, I was staring straight into the student facing off against me, then- the whistle. We took off, letting me immediately grab the student's penant. Since I don't have a palisman anymore, I went back to using my artificial magic staff. It's got some upgrades, and cosmetic changes so it's less... Belos-y. But it worked, and was a flying staff, so it counted in the rules. 
I raced about, grabbing 3 flags as Willow and the others played defense to distract the other team so I could move around and get all the flags myself. Everyone was so busy dealing with my teammates, none of them were paying attention to me. 
I managed to get all the flags with ease, the horn blaring as we won the championship. But I felt no joy... I just wanted Mipha to be here. But even now as I scan the crowd... she isn't here. 

We got the trophy, making me fake a happy face for the photo before Willow came to me with the trophy.

"We talked about it, you should keep the trophy"
"We insist" Viney jumped on Willows back, all of them laughing as I took the trophy. Once I did, Raine came to me as everyone else went to go home.

"She's on her way... this mission took a lot out of her and she feels awful... I just got off the phone with her" I nodded, trying to calm myself down as Raine went to Eda and they left.

I waited for about 30 minutes, the trophy sitting beside me on the bench before I saw her flying above the field, circling around and coming down. She landed on the other side of the field, crashing and rolling over a few times before she stopped herself and struggled to stand. She saw me, getting to her feet and running to me, a limp in her step as she nearly fell a few times before she got to me.

"Hunter! I'm so sorry I thought I could get it done LONG before the game but it just- nothing went the way it should have and-"
"Save it" I snarled, my anger taking over despite my better judgement telling me to keep calm.

"One thing, Mipha. I asked you to attend ONE thing... are these missions REALLY more impor-"
"No! Hunter, Uncle Dari came to me last night with this mission, I left as soon as he left so I could get it done and make the game!" I turned away from her, hearing her thud onto the bench and groan in pain.

"But you didn't make the game..."
"Hunter... please, it was an accident" she begged, I could hear her voice breaking as I knew she was probably holding back tears.

"Mipha, I get it, you like doing these missions because it keeps you busy, and helps your anxiety, but... I'm tired of this, you never show to our dates anymore, you never have time and it's just... I can't handle it right now. I want you here, and present... and if you can't give that, maybe we should..." I trailed off, feeling tears sting my eyes. This hurt... but it felt like the best course of action right now.

"We should what? Hunter I tried so hard to make it today, but-"
"We should take a break... until you can find a balance with work" I looked back to her, seeing her eyes wide in shock, she looked to the ground, her eyes darting side to side as she processed what I said.

"I... you're breaking up with me? Over my job?"
"I'm not breaking up with you, I'm just saying we should take some time apart to sort our lives out"
"So I can sort MY life out... Hunter going on a 'break' is LITERALLY breaking up with someone, there is no difference! I'm trying so hard to help the people of the isles so I'm SORRY if helping people bother's you!" she snapped, tears streaming down her face before she removed her glasses and slipped them into her side pouch. 

"Don't! Just... have fun celebrating your win with the team. The Bonesborough Grill, right?"
"Yes, but-" I was interupted when I watched Mipha remove her bracelet, taking my hand in hers then forcing me to take the bracelet in my hand from hers. My eyes went wide, shock coursing through me as she let go and had Celeste change over.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu