Lost Memories

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This was requested by hello_stay_safe
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Happy reading!

Eda's POV:

Today was the day, Raine was bringing Mipha back over to meet me again. 
I was so nervous, meeting her the first time was a surprise, but now that I've lost her, and she remember's nothing we did together... oh man, I'm really stressed about it. I've already drank like 3 elixers to keep the curse at bay, it's surfacing a lot faster with how much I'm overthinking this whole thing.

"I'm heading out! Good luck with Mipha!" Luz shot finger guns at me, smiling and walking out the door as I sat on the couch, my leg bouncing anxiously. Raine had told me she remember's the lullaby... I remember coming up with it one night.

I think I was about 7 or nearly 8 months pregnant, despite how small she was when she was born, I had quite the bump. It was a night of boiling rain and thunder, and Mipha was very active that night, stopping me from getting any sleep. In those moments, I felt fear, which is not something I ever felt during boiling rain storms, so I knew it was the little baby inside me feeling the fear, like she knew. 
So in my sleepy state, I began humming, before I ended up creating that lullaby. It's like a palisman, they can hear you before they emerge from the carvings. I knew she could hear me, and whenever I sang that song, she would stop moving, giving me a chance to sleep. 

I heard knocking on the door, snapping me from my thoughts as I heard Hooty freaking out. I walked to the door, before swallowing my fear and swinging it open, seeing Raine there violently shushing Hooty as Mipha cowered behind them.
Now this is familiar.
"Hooty, can it. She doesn't like noises, remember?" I scolded, Hooty apologizing and retreating back into the door. I peeked to the side, seeing her beautiful sky blue hair peek over Raine's shoulder, a smile forming as she stared at me. 

"Mipha, this is-"
"Mom... from my dreams..." She mumbled, her voice soft and quiet as Raine slowly stepped to the side, forcing Mipha to reveal herself to me. I held my hand out, watching her look between it and my eyes before she slowly placed her hand into mine. 

"You're ok, you're alright... I will never, ever leave your side~ I will stay, and I will fight... with you~" I smiled, watching Mipha perk up at the song before she stepped closer, placing her index finger on my gem before she cried out, reeling back and clutching her head.

"Owlet!" Raine and I knelt to her, she was panting for breath, looking at me before shaking her head, putting her hand back on my gem and screaming, closing her eyes and holding her head. She was remembering things. 

"Owlet, stop! Don't overload yourself!" I pulled her hand from my gem, making her snap back as she stared at me for a moment, before she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, squeezing tight as I hesitated, looking to Raine as they looked just as worried as me.
"Hi mom... I missed you..." I felt tears rush to my eyes, a sense of relief washing over me as I returned the hug, holding her tight and never wanting to let go. 
I released her after a couple minutes of silence, just holding onto eachother. She stood up with us, going to the door and poking Hooty's beak, making him smile and wrap her in a hug. 
"Don't suffocate her, Hooty" I laughed, Mipha giggling as his feathers were tickling her.
He let her go, Mipha kissing his head before we all went inside. 

"where's Celeste?" Mipha turned to me, looking like she was searching for something, she was preocupied, so I turned to Raine for the answer.
"She's back at the castle, she got a little scratched up on Mipha's mission at Hexide, so she's healing" I nodded, turning back to see Mipha looking under the couch.

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