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Requested by Abby_Deamonne.

Happy Reading!

Darius' POV:

Everything was ready. Today Raine had an event at St Epiderm, and needed me to look after Mipha. I had everything ready for a perfect day inside, snacks, her toys, cartoons, the basic stuff for a 4 year old with autism. I was ready for a lovely day with my favorite and only niece. 
There was a frantic knock at the door, confusing me since Raine wasn't supposed to be here for another hour. I went to the door, opening it as Raine burst in with like 50 things in their arms, including Mipha.

"Hey! They moved the time to an hour earlier so I had to rush over! She's awake but tired, she needs breakfast. Here's the stroller, her things, bite beads, sensory mats, toys, everything you need. If you can't get the stroller to fold call me I'll keep my scroll on me for emergencies-"

"The stroller counts as an emergenc-"

"Mipha's really not enjoying the rice puffs, she'll throw them everywhere. She still can't walk but she can run"
"How is she running but not-"
"Momentum, Darius. She crawls or runs, so you really need to keep your eye on her- Mipha don't eat that" Raine took a drink coaster from Mipha's mouth, making her scream in frustration.

"She's not talking too much, but she'll make the noise of the first letter of something she wants and point to what she wants as well, she's just babbling and using sign language, she's also sticking everything in her mouth- Mipha! That's not food! Can you hold her please?" they asked as I went to Mipha and picked her up, gently removing the tv remote from her mouth. She squirmed in my grip, before snuggling up. She's definitely hungry, and cranky because of it. 

"It's Wednesday so today's the one day this week Belos will allow her off castle grounds so I want you to take her into Bonesborough, to the park or something- I don't care. But she does need time outside to play and help with her physical development"

"Wait, you want us to leave the castle?"
"Yes that's why I brought all these bags with everything you'll need for her, now I really have to go!" they came to me, kissing Mipha's head as she tried to take their glasses.

"I love you sweetheart, be good" They smiled, putting their glasses back on and running out the door. I looked at my niece, watching her rub her eyes and yawn. She really DID just wake up, oh boy. 

"How about some breakfast? The usual eggs and bacon?" I nudged her as she squealed, humming and clapping her hands as we went to the kitchen. She was still in her pj's, so I'm hoping Raine brought clothes in some of those bags they dropped in my entry way. I snapped my fingers, an abomination beginning to make breakfast for the both of us as I set Mipha down. She plopped onto her butt, before moving to crawl around. I made sure all the doors were closed, so she'll just crawl around the closed space. I went back to the rushed mess and looked through the bags, not finding anything remotely fashionable in the bags. Raine really did just grab random shit and stuff them into the bags. 

With enough time, I got Mipha into a cute purple sun dress with pink leggings and cute little white sneakers. Her curly hair was now braided into two little pigtail braids, her baby hair curling around her face. 

"Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba" she started babbling, pointing at herself in the mirror as I wiped the food from her mouth.

"I don't know who you got your curly hair from, but it's adorable, and Uncle Dari will always style these pretty curls for you" I kissed her cheek, eliciting giggles from her as I picked her up and went back to the entry way to grab everything for our mini adventure. I got her into her stoller, listening to her hum happily and play with a toy as I began to push the stroller out of the unit and into the halls.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora