A Clawthorne Christmas

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Eda's POV:

December 25th, same every year, the tree is up, hazardessly close to the fire place. Present's under the tree, stocking's are hung, everything was the same except for one thing.

One extra stocking. 

I smiled, hanging up the final one. This one embroidered with my daughter's name. Now there were 3. One for Hooty, one for King, and finally one for Mipha. I had made this for her first christmas. By then she was only 5 months old, living in the castle, but Raine managed to bring her over that day for Christmas. It was a lovely day, she had grown so much, she was finally the size a regular newborn would've been, she was perfect. 
Today, I finally get to spend Christmas with her again. Raine told me their traditions, big dinner, floating lanterns, etc. I wanted to make new traditions. Raine and Mipha did their traditions last night with Darius and Eberwolf, and Hunter. Now she's asleep in her room, waiting for today. She's been so excited to finally spend Christmas with me. We finally got the Owl House back to it's former glory, and everything was perfect. Tomorrow Luz, Vee, and Camila would be joining us alongside Bossy Boots and the rest of the gang and their families for a bigger celebration, but today was for us Clawthornes... er... Whisper's, I guess. 

Mom, Dad, and Lily would be here for lunch, Raine's heard nothing from their parents, that's good in my opinion. I always hated their mom, so judgemental, never lended a hand for their kid or their granddaughter. I like Peter, he's nice, just married the wrong person. Ramona would often just send meaningless gifts, Raine said they'd always end up in the garbage. She'd just have a crow find Raine wherever they were and drop them with a half hearted greeting card.

"Eda, crow showed up, can you come get these while I finish making tea in the kitchen?" Raine called, making me head to the back door to help. 
"This crow didn't know where the front door is?" I snarked, chuckling as Raine closed the door and read the card before tearing it up and throwing it away.

"Hooty probably tried to eat it, poor thing" they sighed, going back to working on boiling the water. King woke up, murmering to himself and going onto the couch, falling back asleep. I smiled, scratching his head as he hummed happily.

"Hey King, why don't you go wake your sister? It's our first Christmas with her, remember?" I smiled, King immediately purking up and running upstairs to go get her. I'll go up in a minute, 9 times out of 10 King will just get in bed with her and snuggle. Raine came out with a tray of cups alongside the tea kettle. I smiled as Hooty opened the window and snaked in, gobbling up some biscuits.

"Hoot Hoot! Present time- Oh Boy!" he cheered loudly, making us laugh as Owlbert got excited to, wanting to fly up and get Celeste.

"You better go get Mipha and King, I'll start sorting gifts with Hooty" Raine smiled, kissing me cheek as I nodded and went upstairs. Mipha's brightly decorated door was ajar, making me smile once again as I quietly made my way over and gently opened the door. I snapped a quick photo of King and Mipha sleeping soundly together, Celeste on her perch watching over the two. Owlbert was quick to join the snowy owl, both snuggling and closing their eyes. I snapped my fingers and nodded my head to the door, the two palisman taking note and being quick to fly downstairs.

Mipha had her stuffed rabbit and King locked gently in her arms, snoring softly, her hair was a mess. She got the Clawthorne hair and eyes, that's for sure. I sat on the edge of the bed, this disturbing the sleeping kids and making King wake up, while only slightly stirring Mipha from her dreams. She opened her eyes, hugging the two things close before looking at me, squinting before smiling.

"Morning mom... morning King..." she hugged King tight before letting him go, he was quick to run back downstairs. I grabbed her glasses off her bedside table, handing them to her as she gently rubbed the sleep from her eyes before sliding the frames onto her face. She then grabbed her morning medications and washed them down with the glass of water beside her. She hugged me, before we both stood up and walked downstairs. Mipha always wore the same thing to bed, plaid flannel pj pants and a grey bard coven shirt. Titan forbid they ever need to be washed. 
Once downstairs Mipha sat on the floor, King laying in her lap as Raine walked behind her and ruffled her hair, making her laugh.

"Alright, present time" Raine smiled, whistling afterwards to get everyone their tea and finishing with the present sorting.
Mipha perked up at this, signing something to Raine. I'm still learning sign language, I really only know the basics. 

"Eda she wants you to go first, then we'll open one at a time in a circle till everything is done" I nodded, kissing Raine again and making them blush, hearing them clear their throat as I opened a little box that was stained and wrapped half-hazardly. I pulled out a dead mouse, laughing as Hooty was quick to shoot over and gobble it down.

"Classic Hooty, same thing every year" King laughed, Mipha following suit and opening her gift from Hooty. It's easiest to do it this way and get Hooty's mice gifts done and over with so we can open the rest in peace. We all got Hooty different frozen mice for him to snack on, this keeps him from going nuts and destroying any gifts or decorations we had up. 
Next I opened a gift from King, smiling as it was a picture of when we were in the Collector's archive house thing. My hair's begun to grow out again, I missed it. King had decorated the frame with foam stickers and glitter, I laughed as I saw Lilith in the background, face full of smoke from a failed potion. I snorted, setting the photo beside me as King ripped open the present Mipha got him.

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