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This is only like... 50% canon because we have no clue what happened to them when they went through the portal in Thanks to Them. But we'll just go with it, obviously the actual book will have the canon version, but I just wanted this one out of my system. 

Hunter's POV:

I was exhausted, but we all set up camp. Not sure where we are exactly, I think we're on the toes. We had a fire going, and Amity made us all sleeping bags and tents. Mipha and I were sharing one. Gus, Willow in one. Camila in one. And finally, Luz and Amity in a tent together. I was staring at the cieling, my hand on my chest.

Flapjack... I wish it didn't have to go that way. I wish he was still here.
'he's with you, ya know...' Celeste cooed, hopping over to me. 
"Thanks, Celeste... It's just hard to come to terms with right now" I glanced to the opening of the tent, growing worried about Mipha. She volunteered to do look-out for the night, but she's just as tired as I am, plus her injuries... the stardrop may have saved her life, but her wounds didn't heal all that much, every time she walked, I noticed she would wince in pain, sucking in shallow breaths. No one else seems to have noticed, so they let her do look out. Mipha argued she was good at it because of being a scout, a solid argument, honestly.

I bit my lip, before exhaling and getting up, heading outside and seeing the fire flickering bright. I saw Mipha curled up beside it, rocking back and forth.

"Meephs" she looked to me, smiling softly before looking away.
"Why are you awake?"
"You are joking, right?" I teased, she laughed, before sucking in a breath, seething a bit and holding her stomach.  I sat next to her, rubbing her back as she looked to me again, looking me up and down before letting out a shakey sigh.

"Do they hurt?... the scars- I mean..." I hummed, thinking for a moment before shaking my head.
"Not really, they ache a little, but that's also just my body adjusting to not being possessed. I'm more worried about you" I moved to her, making her lean on me before I gently put my hand on her stomach, feeling her tense up and hold her breath. I shook my head, squeezing my arm around her shoulders and reassuring her I was here. 
"The flower really only brought me back to life... it didn't really handle the slash marks very-"
"I hate myself... I did this to you" I blurted out, interupting her as tears threatened to fall from my now brown eyes.

"Hunter... it wasn't you, it was-"
"Belos, right? But it was my hand! MY body! I... I hurt y-you... I-I KILLED you! How are you not disgusted by me?!" I stared at her, watching her eyes water.
"It was NOT you! Please Hunter, understand that... it may have been your body, but it wasn't you" I shook my head, refusing to listen to her.
"I'm trapped in a body that killed the one girl I love" I sobbed, leaning into her, she moved slowly, shaking as she shifted to hold me. I was resting my head just below her neck, a clear view of the blood dripping from her. Her wound opened again.

"My hands gutted you... my hands hurt you... my hand ripped you apart"
"Your hands held me when I was gone... those same hands would help hug me whenever I needed you. Those hands are the hands I hold, and the ones that make me feel so loved, and wanted" she rebutted, her voice a whisper as she breathed out, tears falling and landing on my head as she looked down at me. 
I let her words sink in, really letting her voice echo in my mind. Her sweet, gentle voice...

"Why did you insist on guard duty? You're really hurt..." I leaned back, putting my hand back on her stomach, she winced as I wiped a bit of fresh blood from the open slashes. It was trying to scar, but it's a sensitive area, and will split easier.
"I-I'm ok... p-promise" I shook my head, she looked dazed, light headed.
"No, you're not. I don't want to have you reunite with Raine and Eda while you're bleeding out like this" I looked around, before smiling, spotting some red cullpepper vines. They're healing herbs with natural healing abilities. I could wrap her stomach in those!

"Stay here, I'll be right back"
"Take Celeste with you"
"I'm just going over to those plants, you'll be able to watch me" I nudged her, getting up and jogging over to the vines, ripping them from the ground and going back when I had a good handful. Once back, I wiped any dirt off.

"Take off your shirt for a minute" Mipha complied, happy she wrapped her chest yesterday before we left for the hayride. Amity thought Mipha was transgender because of her chest wraps, but she just does it as a replacement for bras, and for comfort. Amity's heart was in the right place, it's nice to know that everyone would be so supportive if any of us were transgender or anything like that.

I began wrapping the vines around her stomach. The vines are more like wide leaves, but they are vines, it's weird. Boiling Isles plants are weird, period. She gasped, tensing and crying out silently, trying to keep quiet to not wake the others.
"Sorry, I'm trying to be quick and gentle"
"I-It's f-fine! Its just- AGH! I-It's just painful..." she groaned, biting her hand to not scream as I tightened the vines, tying it off and leaning back. She was breathing heavily, adjusting to the pressure on her abdomen. She laid back, resting her head on the dirt.
Celeste came back with a pillow, having Mipha lift her head to rest on it as I rubbed her shoulder.

"Better?" she nodded, making me smile, happy I was able to help.
I leaned down, kissing her stomach before rubbing it. She relaxed, the vines doing their job and numbing her pain.
"It's numb now... it doesn't hurt now, feels weird though" she giggled as I kissed her stomach again.
"That tingles..." I kissed again, hearing her little squeaks and giggles each time I left a kiss on her tummy. She was aborable. 
"I love you, SO much... and I'm sorry this happened... I wish I could've stopped it" she frowned at me, still letting out a small squeak at another kiss. 

"Hunter, I'm the one who should be apologizing... I couldn't protect you" she choked, tears spilling again.
"Mipha, I... No one knew he was in me, I didn't know, I should've, but I didn't" I shrugged, rubbing her stomach again, I really should've known, but I didn't, and it sucks.
"I wish Flapjack was here, I wish you weren't hurt, I wish Belos didn't get away... I wish everything would just be ok" I shrugged, Mipha looking to me and removing her cracked glasses, squinting.

"Sorry, the crack was making me a little dizzy. But yeah, I wish that too... I miss Flap, but I got to see him one last time, he told me you were ok, and alive... I was scared when I started crossing over-"
"What?" I stared at her, this being news to me.
"I got... stuck in limbo, the space between life and death, I met Evelyn, she's a lovely person... we talked, she told me how much we've grown together-" she breathed out, taking my hand.
"Then- Flapjack appeared, and told me you survived, I was so happy, but so upset because I thought I wasn't going to see you again. Evelyn... told me that when you and I eventually cross over, she and Caleb are waiting for us with open arms. We've got friends on the other side" I smiled, looking down at her with tears in my eyes, I've been crying a lot today, it's not a good feeling.

"I guess... I guess we're set then" she laughed at me, rubbing her eyes and breathing out.

We'll figure this out.
One way or another.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now