Mipha is Missing

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This was requested by Abbydabbi777

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Happy reading!

Raine's POV:

I sat there in the living room across from the therapist, who was going over their notes with me while Mipha was walking around our unit, humming to herself.

"She shows great understanding of words, she has no problem processing audio, but she still seems to not want to talk, deliberately avoiding it. So here's what I'm going to suggest you do" she handed me a stack of papers, each one containing information on care for her.
"Stop rewarding her for mediocrity, if she wants a cookie, don't give it to her until she says what she wants, she needs to be vocal. Don't reward sign language anymore. You have to prompt her to talk, if she keeps being rewarded for not talking, she'll never learn" they gestured to Mipha, who was now staring at the potted plant by the front door, captivated by the pattern on the leaves.

This felt wrong, I was hoping Mipha would learn to talk on her own time, I don't like forcing her to do this, but they had a point, she often just... doesn't try to talk since she knows sign language. She's to become a scout in 3 years, I'm dreading that day, I wish she didn't have to become a scout. 
I nodded my read, reading over the papers before Mipha came over, grunting and poking my shoulder.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I looked up to her, before the therapist shook her head.
"Don't acknowledge her until she says your name, Raine" Mipha groaned, tapping my shoulder again, I did my best to ignore her, each poke to my shoulder ripping my heart apart as she grew increasingly frustrated that I wasn't answering her. 
She screamed, stomping her foot and grabbing my hand, yanking my arm as I turned my head away. 

This has to be doing more harm than good... 

"Nini!" She squealed, ragdolling and pressing her face into the carpet, crying.
"She has to say 'dad', Raine, don't cave" I rolled my eyes, this lady doesn't seem to understand that I'm non-binary, and Mipha calls me Nini.
"She calls me Nini, I don't go by dad. Now, what would you like, Mipha?" Mipha looked back to me, tears in her eyes as she signed 'Dari'.

"Don't reward her for that, she needs to say it-" she was cut off by Mipha screaming in frustration, breaking my heart as she struggled. 
"Mipha, use your words" she prompted, angering her further as she then turned and hit my chest.

"Don't hit, remember? Hitting hurts, Mipha" I shook my head, Mipha falling over and screaming, before I simply looked to the therapist, showing her that this wasn't the right way to do this. It couldn't be.

"She'll rebel at first, that's normal since you're attempting to change her routine" Mipha stood back up, attempting to hit me again as I gently grabbed her wrist, holding her in front of me. 
"Nini! Nini!!!"
"I'm right here, tell me what you would like" She calmed slightly, standing and bouncing on the balls of her feet as she hummed, shaking her head.
"Uncle Dari, please... I want" She mumbled, making me smile.
"You want to see Uncle Dari?" She nodded, I was about to stand up before the therapist put her hand on my knee.

"What? She said what she wanted"
"She needs to speak clearly, and in complete sentences, she's capable, so you need to push her to do it" that sent Mipha over the edge, she went to her room, slamming the door shut as I groaned, putting my head in my hands as the therapist stood up, gathering her things.

"Keep working on it, and I'll see you next week" She left, making me sigh in relief.

"Full sentences, my ass" I stood up, grabbing the mugs of finished tea and bringing them to the sink, leaving them to be washed later as I went into my bedroom, flopping onto my bed and removing my glasses. I checked the security camera in Mipha's room, seeing she was sitting on her floor, playing with her dolls. I closed my eyes, thinking I could take a quick nap, Mipha will be busy playing for a while.

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