Observing Mipha

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Hunter's POV:

"Thank you for helping me with the groceries, Hunter"
"No problem, Camila! Happy I could contribute!" I smiled, opening the front door to let Camila go in first. But once we got in, we both had to stop since everyone except Gus were crowded at the kitchen window, staring outside.

"Uh... something happen?" I walked in, putting the bags on the counter.
"We're watching Mipha" Luz deadpanned, none of them peeling away from the window. I went to the door, opening it to see if anything interesting was happening. 
Mipha was building something out of sticks and leaves, hyperfocussed on her structure before it fell down.

"Is she gonna do it again?"
"You ask that every time, Willow. Of course she's gonna do it again!"
"Do what again, Luz? What are you all watching her for?

"She's been doing this for like... half an hour, everytime her structure of the Eiffel Tower falls- she organizes all the sticks and leaves into different sections before she tries again. It's captivating" Vee answered, Camila clearing her throat.
"So have ANY of the chores been done?" everyone froze, fearing that Camila would take out the chancla.

"Uuuhhhhh... Hey, I just remembered that the washing machine doesn't tend to work if you don't turn it on!" Luz laughed, running off before everyone else went on their merry way.
"At least Mipha hung the clothes on the line... must be why she got distracted outside" she shrugged as I closed the door, quickly helping to put all the groceries away. Soon enough, everyone was back at the window, watching Mipha.

"How do you not watch her weird behaviours all the time? It's captivating!" I shrugged, Willow taking that as a valid answer and turning back to watch.
"She does weird stuff all the time, I guess I'm just used to it" I pulled my long hair back into a low pony tail, seeing Mipha had  put her's in a VERY messy, lopsided ponytail.

"Did no one help with her hair after she woke up?" everyone shook their heads. I left before she woke up, we just left the list of chores on the fridge. I went back to the door, opening it and stepping outside. Mipha didn't even flinch, focussed on her nearly completed sculpture. I didn't see Celeste with her, so she must be downstairs with Flapjack.

"Hi~" I sat behind her, crossing my legs as she hummed, placing the final piece on the sculpture and clapping her hands. I rubbed her shoulder, making her sigh as it turned into me giving her a quick massage, she was super tense. 
"Building" she mumbled, pulling at her hair.
"It's lovely, good job. Now let me fix your hair, Meephs" she nodded, staying still as I quickly undid her... attempt; and re-doing it. It wasn't the prettiest, but we could at least brush the tangles out now. 

"Oh how adorable! You know, Luz used to make me tinfoil swans!" Camila gushed as Willow snapped a quick photo of us. Mipha hummed, standing up and going to the clothes line, closing her eyes and rubbing the fabric between her fingers, before shaking her head and walking around to the front of the house.

"See? She just... wanders" I nodded, Willow and I following her, just to see her jumping from stone to stone on the path to the porch. She then jumped up the steps, counting them.

"2 steps..." she opened the door, before closing it, and opening it again. She did this about 5 times before Gus told her to stop from inside. She went in, us following her.
"Mipha, can you stop? You've been doing this all morning" Gus groaned, Mipha humming in response as she made her way around the living room, deliberately avoiding spots she knew were squeaky, if it squeaked, she walked back to the door and tried again.

"She's having a bit of an 'out of body' day, aparently. Best to just let her go with the flow, interupting her doesn't do anything" Gus scoffed at me, listening to Mipha walking behind him, before she made it to the basement stairs. She flickered the lights off an on, before going down.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8..." She continued, before reaching the bottom and stopping, staring into space. 
"How many steps, Meephs?"
"14... count again" she started back up, counting again as she made her way up to me.
"15 steps, not 14... long hair down" She pointed to my hair, making me smile at her as she walked behind me and removed the hair tie, beginning to braid it. 

"Thanks, that feels lovely" She nodded, walking away. Soon enough, all of us were following her around, she didn't seem to care, we weren't stopping her from doing her own thing. She'd flick the lights, count the steps, open and close doors, and now she was sitting on Luz's bed, picking at the fabric.

"lily pilly's" she hummed to herself, continuing to pick off any bunches of lint on the blankets. 
"She's really out of it"
"Not really, she's just being Mipha" I nudged Luz, who laughed it off before Mipha rolled onto the ground, laying on her back. 

"Carpet is nice..." She pat the spot next to her, prompting me to join her.
"Can we join?" Mipha nodded, scooching up a bit to make enough room for Amity, Willow, Luz, and Vee. We all just layed there, enjoying the silence, and Mipha's occasional humming, before Amity cleared the silence.
"I wonder what it's like to see the world from Mipha's perspective, ya know? Like, just HOW different is it from the rest of us?" Everyone agreed, Mipha then rolling on top of me, snuggling in. 

"Hey, what time is it?"
"Noon, mama's making empanada's"

"Mipha, are you tired?" she nodded against my neck, her warm breath making me shiver a bit. 
"Why not take a nap after lunch?" she nodded again, humming as I began rubbing her back, pressing in whenever I felt a knot. 

"Does Mipha think in pictures? or words?"
"Maybe both, Luz" Amity laughed, all of us finding this pretty relaxing. 
"I've noticed something... every time we copy whatever Mipha does, we end up laying down, or just... extremely relaxed" 
"Makes sense, Vee. Mipha does whatever she needs to in order to keep calm, you guys should try tracing clouds with her, it's soothing" 
"I remember watching her do that last week! I was SO confused, man" we all laughed at Luz, Willow using a vine to hoist the camera up and snap a photo of all of us, making me nudge Mipha so she would look up and give a soft smile. Once the shudder went off, she snuggled back into me, before there was a knock at the door.

"Alright Mijo's, lunch is ready- oh, that looks comfy!"
"It is!" Vee cheered, all of us getting up, Mipha being the first to leave as we watched her run her hand along the wall, everyone copying her.
"I never noticed the walls had so many bumps" Amity smiled, all of us gathering at the table to eat, Mipha grabbing her headphones from the living room and slipping them on, borrowing Luz's phone to watch Youtube as she ate.

Mipha tends to do this, she'll have a video play in the background, or she'll just watch it normally when she's doing something like eating, or chores. It seems to keep her grounded, and focused. She happily ate the food, before she went and cleaned her plate, and went downstairs.

"Is she ok?"
"Yeah! Out of body days tend to make Mipha more tired, so she's probably gonna take a nap"
"How can it make her 'more tired'? She's not doing anything" We all stared daggers at Gus, getting annoyed with how he treats Mipha. 
"Well it usually means she didn't get enough rest last night, Hunter- did she have a nightmare or anything?" I shook my head, Camila humming in acknowledgement.
"I mean... maybe? I did hear her tossing and turning all night-"
"And what were YOU doing up, sir?" I stared at Luz, unamused.

"I have insomnia-" I got up, taking my plate to the sink and washing it.
"So does Mipha, kinda comes with being a scout in the Emperor's coven, no one slept" I shrugged, everyone understanding as I then went downstairs, seeing Mipha fussing over getting the blanket even on her air mattress. 

I walked over, kneeling beside her as she continued to try and get the wrinkles out.
"Meephs, just get in, want snuggles?" She nodded, climbing in and waiting for me to join her. Once I got in, I let her get comfortable before we both fell asleep.

Human Realm days can be exhausting, even when you don't do much.
Luz will probably want to do another attempt on the portal door tonight... but until then, some shut eye is much needed.

Hi! Still sick! My throat is in shambles, and I can't talk.
I'm not having fun. 
Anyways heres another chapter/oneshot thing.
Ima make some Mac'n'cheese before I go back to bed. Being sick really messes up my sleep schedule.

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