A Day with the Uncles

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This was requested by the lovely Abby_Deamonne!
Happy Reading~

Darius' POV:

I was looking through some files I had in my office, feeling annoyed by just how many things I shoved in these drawer's without organizing them. I kept sifting through the bills, insurance, random things I had on file before a picture fell from the stack I picked up. I set the stack of files down, reaching down and grabbing the photo. 
It was a picture of Mipha when she was born, the first time I ever held her. She fit in my hand perfectly, so small and fragile. 
It's been a while since I've gotten to spend time with Mipha, her work as the Silver Solider alongside the little prince has taken up her time rather efficiantly. Maybe a visit is in order...

I found myself smiling as I left my office and started down the long castle hallways. I made it to Raine's room, knocking on the door and hearing barking.
Eberwolf must be visiting as well.
The door opened, revealing Mipha wearing her pj's as she looked at me and smiled.
"Hi Uncle Dari! Are you looking for Nini?" I shook my head, making her tilt her head in confusion.
"I'm actually here to see you, Princess. May I come in-"
"RAWRF RAWRF!" Eberwolf jumped on Mipha's back, making her laugh as she moved so I could come in. I looked around, seeing everything was clean except for the pillow fort in the living room. 

"So, what did you need me for? Uncle Eber and I were just watching cartoons!" She went to the kitchen, putting on a kettle of water to make tea.
"Well, I realised you and I haven't gotten to spend time together very much as of late, and I wanted to remedy that" she hummed, growing impatient with the water and boiling it herself with magic, pouring it into a tea pot and adding a tea bag.
"That would be great! If it's ok if Uncle Eber joins us. I'd love a day with the two of you" her smile was soft as she turned to me and leaned against the counter.

"Hm, how about a trip to the market? I'm sure we could find you some nice things there. Besides, if memory serves- your birthday is next week" she giggled at this, pouring the tea and adding what we all liked to each cup. Mipha always kept track of our preferences for certain things. Eberwolf likes his tea a little bitter, I prefer sweet, as does Mipha. Eber adds an ungodly amount of milk, I prefer my tea on the darker side, while Mipha likes a 1 to 1 mix of the tea and milk. 
"Let me get dressed and wake up Celeste" I nodded, taking my cup and handing the other to Eber, who began lapping up the liquid. Eber... he drives me crazy. He's unruly and dirty, but in the end he's a great help, and is a great coven head. A few minutes later, Mipha came out wearing jeans and a t-shirt with the Bluey logo on it. She had her messenger bag, Celeste crawling off her shoulder and sliding into the bag. Celeste sure loves to hide in the bag Mipha has. She had her rubber pendant in her mouth, humming as she adjusted her bracelet and came over to the kitchen table, grabbing her keys.

"I'm ready!" She bounced on her heels, making me smile as Eber jumped onto her shoulder and chittered, pointing for the door and yipping as if to say "Adventure Awaits!".
We made our way outside, it was a lovely day, Mipha was smiling ear to ear, before she began squinting. 
"Princess? Is it too bright?"
"No... just blurry. My appointment to get glasses is on my birthday, can't wait- I want to see properly again" she sighed, I pat her back as we got to the market, walking around before Mipha bolted off, Eberwolf almost falling off her shoulder as I had to sprint to catch up to her.
Some things never change! She did this as a kid as well!
She was heading right for the stand where she gets her chewable jewelry.

"Hi Steph!"
"Mipha! How lovely to see you my dear! The usual?" She nodded as Steph went into her tent and came back out with a small bag.
"I always have some set aside for my favorite customer" she gave Mipha a wink as she giggled in response, handing Steph the necessary snails and putting the small bag into her messenger bag. 

"Princess, don't run off like that, alright?" She nodded, taking my hand as we began to walk around again. She was looking around, beginning to shake from how happy she was.
"Do you think that stall with the Bluey stuff is here today? Or my mom's stand? No it's Friday, mom's not here on fridays" she began to ramble, something she's begun to pick up from Hunter. Those two are made for eachother, I swear. But if he hurts one hair on Mipha's head I'll tear him apart myself. I do care for him though. Part of me sees him as... I suppose my son. I feel protective of the both of them.

We kept looking around before she gasped, spotting the stand with all the Bluey Merchandise. She pulled me along, looking at the plush toys and bouncing on her heels. 
"Seriously? Isn't that the Silver Soldier? Why's she looking at those kids toys?" I heard a group of teens off to the side speak. Mipha heard them as well, slowing down and glancing at them. She went back to the table, smiling as she picked up one of the toys.
"Which one is that, Princess?"
"This is Uncle Stripe! Socks and Muffin's dad! I wonder if they have a Muffin plush" She tapped her finger on the table, before gasping again and grabbing the white spotted dog. 

"The Silver Soldier likes a kids show, how pathetic is that?"
"Yeah, is she demented? I bet you she sucks her thumb and eats mushed peas" the teens commented again, this catching Eber's attention as he began growling.
"Figures the 3rd best in the Emperor's coven is some misprint retard" that seemed to break Mipha, she put the plush back on the table and walked off, Eber losing his grip and falling off of her.

"Eber, handle those teens, I'll get Mipha"  he saluted, growling and pouncing at the teens, who screamed as I ran through the crowd to find Mipha. I saw her by the fountain, sitting with her legs tucked to her chest.
"Princess... don't listen to them" she shook her head, breathing heavily as she whimpered and cried. She let out a pained squeak each time she breathed, tears running down her face as she pulled at her hair. Celeste was beside her, trying to get her attention and calm her down. Mipha was shaking violently, whimpering and struggling to breath. I drew a circle, encasing us in abomination. It was quiet now, no echo as Mipha kept pulling at her hair. I sat next to her, placing my hand on her knee as she began rocking back and forth, humming with each breath she took. I took my cloak off, wrapping it around her as she perked her head up.

"Don't listen to them, they don't understand what it's like to be in your shoes. Just breath in and out slowly..." she followed my intructions, trying to control her breathing before Eberwolf forced his way through the sphere, shaking the goo off him and getting it all of over me.
"Eberwolf! Seriously, could you not have waited?!" I snarled, hearing Mipha giggle as Eber stuck his tongue out at me, making me scoff while he jumped onto Mipha, forcing her legs down so he could sit on her lap and let her pet him. Celeste hooted, going on top of her head and nuzzling her, beginning to prune her.

"Are you gonna be alright, Princess?" she nodded, beginning to sign as I struggled to piece it together.
"I only got 'home' out of that. You want to go home?" She nodded, leaning onto me, forcing Celeste to flap her wings and jump off her head as she moved. Eber licked her hands as she gave me my cloak back. We all stood up, Celeste going back onto her head as Eber jumped to her shoulder. I removed the bubble, people staring at us, who promptly looked away when I scowled at them all. I glanced back to where the teens were, seeing them all on the ground crying and covered in scratches. Good job Eberwold, Good job.
I had a thought, making me smile and take Mipha's hand.

"Mipha, why don't we look at those plush toys again" she seemed to perk up, nodding her head as we walked back to the stand.


Raine's POV:

Finally home. 
That was a long day teaching at St Epiderm for the day. I'm exhausted, and looking forward to seeing my daughter.
I grabbed my keys, but stopped when I heard laughter from inside the unit. I hummed, turning the knob and finding the door unlocked. I got inside, looking to see a pillow fort in the living room.

"Uhm... Hello?" I heard a happy squeal, Mipha's head popping out of the fort before she got out and ran to me, tackling me into a tight hug as I kissed her head.
"Hello sweetheart!" She hugged me again, squealing before she ran back into the fort, beckoning to come with her. I put my keys and coat away, removing my boots before walking over and ducking inside, seeing Darius and Eber sitting in there with the tv on. 

"Mipha, last time I checked you didn't have THIS many Bluey things" I looked around, the entire fort was full of plushies, big and small.
Mipha dove onto some pillows and got under a Bluey printed blanket, giggling as Darius tickled her side and hit play on the tv, another episode playing. 
"Unfortunately some teenagers really upset Mipha and triggered a melt down. I ended up buying every piece of Bluey merchandise from that stall in the market as a birthday gift. Anything to make her happy" Darius pat her head, letting me sit down on her other side as she moved to snuggle on me.

"Darius, I think this cover's the next 20 birthdays" I couldn't help but laugh, Eberwolf making me shriek as he burst from a pile of the toys, chittering and rolling around the fort before jumping to Mipha's lap and snuggling in.
"Actually, I don't think I've even covered this birthday quite yet-"
"You're joking" I deadpanned, Mipha laughing as Darius summoned his scroll.
"Nope, I would buy out the entire market if Mipha wanted it. Which I checked, she doesn't" I shook my head, petting Eberwolf before Mipha let out a whine, pointing to the tv screen.

"Sorry, sorry. We'll watch the show, sweetheart" I rubbed her arm, hearing her hum in satisfaction as we all settled and started watching the show with her. We ended up eating dinner in the fort, alongside some hot chocolate to drink. This is nice, but I have no idea where we're going to keep all these plushies, shirts, pillows, and blankets. 
Mipha doesn't know of our plan to invade the Emperor's mind next week. Part of me knows that this may be the last time I spend time with Mipha.
Chance is, next time we spend time together... will be the visiting time before my petrification. 

I know the risks, but if we can get info- it'll save everyone on the Isles, not just Mipha.

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