Luz's Spa Trip Disaster Date

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Hunter's POV:

"I'm sorry, we're going to what?" I raised a brow, walking alongside Luz and Amity, Mipha holding my hand and eating the collar of her shirt.

"Meephs, don't do that. Here-" I handed her a rubber bracelet we got from the supermarket, she began biting it, humming happily.
"We are going to this really nice spa and getting mani-pedi's! Even you, Hunter!" I swallowed, not sure I wanted people touching my hands and feet. Not sure Mipha will enjoy that either. I didn't want to argue though, Thursday's were date days, and this week was Luz's turn to choose what to do. 

We walked into the place, Mipha humming and leaning into me, letting me wrap an arm around her shoulder and rub her arm.
"No touching... I don't... don't want..."
"It'll be ok, I'll be here the whole time, promise" she nodded, kissing my neck before chewing the bracelet, grunting when she accidentally broke it, stuffing it in her messenger bag and going back to the collar of her shirt.

"Mipha, don't bite your shirt" she grunted again, my voice echoing a bit in this building. I reached into her messenger bag, grabbing her headphones.
"Sorry Celeste, Sorry Flap" I had to nudge them out of the way to get her headphones, since they were snuggling together in her bag. I put them over her ears, seeing her relax as I took her hand again. She was sucking on her lip now, so long as she doesn't start biting it, we should be good.

Luz had told the lady at the desk we had appointments, before we were lead to a sink, being asked to wash our hands. We all complied, Mipha taking a bit of encouragement from me to do it since she's not a huge fan of how soap feels on her hands. But soon, we were all being sat down on these massage-like chair things with tubs at the bottom.

They're gonna touch my feet... oh Titan, I don't like that. 
"I already picked colors for us all! So we just gotta sit back and relax" Luz smiled, holding Amity's hand as I kept my hand in Mipha's, letting her squeeze it as she grew nervous.

"It's ok, I'm right here" I smiled to her, the nail techs coming and filling the tubs with warm water, having us remove our shoes and socks. I feel bad for these workers, I've got scout feet; as the healers called it back in the castle. Blisters, all the shit that happens to your feet when they don't get a lot of air. 
We had to put our feet in the water, it was rather hot, but kinda soothing. Mipha squeezed my hand again, making me look at her to see she was biting her lip. I rubbed my thumb on her hand, catching her attention.

"Don't bite your lip, Sunshine. Did you bring a pendant? Check your bag" she let go of my hand, checking her bag before Celeste poked out for a second, handing it to her before ducking back inside, making me snicker as I took her hand again, watching her bite the rubber pendant.
The nice lady who was going to do my nails had me take my feet out, massaging them a bit, it felt really weird, and kinda uncomfortable, Mipha's grip on my hand tightened a lot when a lady started touching hers. Luz and Amity- on the other hand- looked relaxed, while Mipha and I just wanted this to end ASAP.
Through applying and washing off a foot scrub, having them file our feet and removing dead, dry, and cracked skin, Mipha had a Titan's grip on my hand, refusing to let go as she began humming. I recognized the song, beginning to hum it with her to help calm her down. I caught her smiling in the corner of my eye. 

"Poor little bug on the wall" she mumbled, pausing for a minute, before I decided to join her.
"Jing Jing" She perked up, looking at me and smiling, before wincing as the nail tech started filing her foot again, myself doing the same as they did mine as well once again. Luz and Amity were already having their nails cut and painted, but Mipha and I have scout feet, so we need some extra effort.

"Keep singing if it helps" she hummed, before bobbing her head.
"Poor little bug on the wall"
"Jing Jing"
"No one to love her at all"
"Jing Jing"
"No one to tickle her toes"
"Jing Jing"
"No one to blow her nose-" I put her hand to my mouth and blew a raspberry on it, making her shriek and giggle at the gesture.

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now