Coconuts Part 2

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Great news everyone!
The first "For The Future" Chapter for the main book will be published tonight, around 10pm EST. So I'll be publishing the chapter once the episode ends. 

This chapter isn't canon for after Thanks to Them. We're just gonna pretend everything is perfectly fine, everyone is safe, everything is normal. 
No Collector, no Belos, just good old fashion fun.
Here we go!

Reminder that anything between '*' is the tablet speaking.

Hunter's POV:

I was walking to the Owl House with Darius, smiling ear to ear as I held a gift for Mipha in my hands. I had made her a hoodie made to look like 'Chilli' from her favorite show, Bluey. I had one for myself to look like 'Bandit'. I knew she'd love it. I know Socks is her favorite character, but I also know she would love some more stuff we could wear as a couple.
Today was Mipha's 18th Birthday. That's why we're heading over, I mean not that I wouldn't go see her anyways.
I was super excited to give her this gift, she really deserved something extra special- just like her.

We got to the Owl House, Hooty being absent since he was most likely inside. We opened the door, looking at everyone mingling as we entered.

"There you two are! Mipha's been upstairs. None of the kids can seem to get her down here" Eda smiled, Darius nudging me as I put my gift on the table with the other ones. 
"Little Prince, best get Princess down-"
"IS THAT HUNTER?!" Luz yelled from upstairs, startling us all.
"Yes Luz! It's Hunter!"
"GET HIM UP HERE! WE'VE GOT A SITUATION!" I wasted no more time, heading up the stairs and down the hall, Luz was waving me over to the closed door, before it flew open and Gus came out, running into me.

"It's happening again! Make it stop! Make it stop I am BEGGING you, Hunter!" he screamed, ragdolling as I held his arms and began dragging him back into the bedroom.
"NO! NO ANYTHING BUT THERE! THAT ROOM IS CURSED!" He squirmed as I rolled my eyes and went inside, seeing Willow and Amity sitting on the bed on either side of Mipha, who was encased in blankets.

*Coconuts have water in them*

"Oh no, blanket cocoon, AND coconut button?" Willow nodded her head as Mipha kept pressing the button on her tablet. Gus was sobbing, dropping from my grasp and crying.
"What is a coconut? Why does it have water?!" There was silence, before I saw the blankets move.

*The coconut tree is a member of the palm tree family and the only living species of the genus Cocos. The term "coconut" can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut* her tablet spoke, making me snicker. 

"Mipha? Sunshine? Are you al-"
*Coconuts have water in them*

"Right... wanna tell us why you won't come downstairs?" the blankets moved, the top part shaking, insinuating that she didn't want to say, or couldn't.

"Guys, is it alright if she and I meet downstairs?" Everyone nodded, about to leave before I stopped Willow.
"Can you go down and grab my present for her? It might help her... I put it in the Bluey wrapping paper"
"Of course! I'll send Clover up with it" she left, leaving the door ajar.
I sat next to Mipha, she was shaking, making me worry before I heard a whimper, realizing Gus was still curled up on the ground.

"Gus, go! Come on, man. Can't you have a mental breakdown about human foods there?!" Gus sobbed before the door flew open, Amity coming inside with Clover. Clover gave me the gift as Amity began dragging Gus out of the room.

"Alright... Meephs, it's just us. Wanna show me what's up?"
*Too many people* I hummed, understanding that everyone downstairs must've been too loud. 
"Do you want your present? It might make you feel better..." I watched the cocoon, before it moved and Mipha's sky-blue hair popped out of the top. I smiled, watching her turn to me. She looked exhausted, bags under her eyes, and tears. She had her plushie of Socks the puppy, and Celeste was tucked in her lap. 

A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz