Get To Know Me

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This is an apology for the last chapter, I don't tend to like posting vent chapters, but I needed that one out of me.
So here's a bit about me.
Alright, here we go.

What is your name?

What are your hobbies?
Drawing, singing, writing, gaming, crafting, cosplaying, driving.

Do you collect anything?

What are you passionate about?
The Owl House, Splatoon, supporting people like me.

What is your most prized possession?
Uh... my grandma's jewelry box. It's very special to me.

What is your favorite recent memory?
Haha, being on a voice call with my best friend for 6 hours after we broke up with our significant other's and were both having mental breakdowns at 1am. Some funny shit came out of that call.

What is your best childhood memory?
Being able to visit my grandma every day if I wanted. She lived close to my childhood home, so she was walking distance.

What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, because I love getting gifts for my friends and parents. I love watching people open gifts, makes me so happy.

Who knows you best?
My best friend, Kim. My mom's a close second.

What family member are you closest to?
My mom.

What skill would you most like to learn?
Sign language, I'm hard of hearing and starting to go deaf, it's just overwhelming so I've been putting it off.

Where is the coolest place you traveled?
Disneyland California, definitely!

Tell me about your longest running friendship with someone?
My best friend Kim and I have been friends for 9 years, still going strong baby!

What do you enjoy spending money on?
Amiibo's, plushies, games, anything for my parents that they would like.

What is something that always makes you smile?
My cat, and seeing my parents happy, especially my mom.

What are you most thankful for?
My parents, and my cat.

What are you most looking forward to?
I guess having kids in the future.

Do you have a significant other?
Nope, my boyfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago. It was mutual, and we're still friends, so it's ok.

Do you have kids?
Nope, want some really badly though!

Who do you live with?
My 15 year old cat, Buttons!

Do you have any tattoos? If not, are there any tattoos you want?
I don't have any now, but my shoulder's are reserved for flowers. One shoulder is gonna have my grandma and grandpa's fav flowers. My other will be for my mom and dads fav's.

What are you allergic to?

What is your favorite color?
Blue! Specifically Royal Blue

What is your favorite animal?

Do you have any pets?
Yep! My cat Buttons has been with me for 15 years. I also have a Betta fish named Darius after Darius from The Owl House. He's a blue crown male Betta. I've had him since July.

Do you have brothers or sisters?
1 Brother, 1 Sister, both older than me. My brother passed away when I was 6, and I haven't spoke to my sister in nearly 2 years. Lovely bunch, aren't we?

How old are you?
I am 20. But mentally I'm probably 15.

When is your birthday?
June 11th.

What is the farthest you have traveled from home?
London, England.

What is the best vacation you have ever taken?
Walt Disney World with my mom and dad, May 2022!

What are you afraid of?
Loud noises, balloons, falling... there's a lot more.

Who is the best cartoon character?
Oh man... Uhm... Right now my favorite is Socks from Bluey.

What is your favorite sport?
I am disabled so I can't personally play, but I love badminton!

What is your favorite song?
Right now it's "Kid on Christmas" by Meghan Trainor.

There you go!
More about me!

I took these off an icebreaker website.


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A Little Different Oneshots (Golden Guard x !Autistic! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now